Is there any other theme and alternate scenario in history than ‘‘what if the other side won WW1 or WW2’’?

  • That’s such a shit title lmao

    The Entente did win WW1.

    Führerreich is an alternate history scenario within Kaiserreich, which is itself an alternate history scenario

    • SovereignState
      1 year ago

      I like Red World. Rough around the edges and sprinkled with liberalism, but an alt history set in the modern age where the USSR survived is neat.

      Fun fact: one of my comrade’s advisors worked under John Bellamy Foster, and JMF can become one of the leaders in a splintered communist Amerika. My comrade showed his advisor and she was awestruck that JMF was included in a video game mod lol. She said it’d be far more likely for him to be living out of an office somewhere writing about the revolution rather than leading it.

        111 year ago

        The Bernie Sanders timeline and event chain reads as if the person who wrote it was on crack cocaine and meth simultaneously.

        • SovereignState
          101 year ago

          Absolutely love the punished Bernie arc. Just deranged as fuck and it’s hilarious to me that people enjoy playing as a hardened Marxist-Leninist Sanders hellbent on revenge.

          (Guilty admittance: it’s me, I’m people)

        • SovereignState
          51 year ago

          wtf I’m a little starstruck

          I haven’t touched HOI4 in a while, but I play it way wrong. It’s a roleplaying and map-painting game to me, strategy be damned. Gimme +10000000% production and let me crank out commie tanks to crush the international bourgeoisie and I’ll be happy.

    91 year ago

    The world wars are a big legimating factor for western liberal governments to manufacture consent. It makes sense then that liberals would engage in this sort of hypothetical analysis because they have been indoctrinated to think that everything would be so much worse if the “good guys” hadn’t won.

    • Damn, it’s the day of discussing totalitarianism for me=)

      Yeah, that’s another reason for the concept. Equating commies and nazis is a good way to separate themselves from “those authoritarian ones”. Two birds with one stone - you discredit communism and separate yourself from what you’re heading into sooner or later nazis.

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    51 year ago

    What if the Soviets won the Cold War

    What if the North won the Korean War