I love climate change

    • @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.ml
      101 year ago

      Apparently a lot of small dog breeds originated as an early precursor to hot water bottles in the fancier places. Court ladies would supposedly sleep with them under the bedding to keep them warm.

      • Muad'Dibber
        1 year ago

        Makes sense. My kitty’s snug requirements skyrocket in winter. We do be keeping each other warm tho.

      • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
        31 year ago

        My little dog curls up on my lap all winter (when the winter realises the season and brings cold weather, anyway). In the summer, she’ll happily try to kick everyone off the sofa to spread out and stay cool. (She has a cooling mat on a cool floor, but says if it’s so comfortable, the humans can use it.)

        I also know a lab, who says that if they have to shrink to be allowed under the bedding, they’ll do it.

  • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Just last week we had -10°C here during the night. Now we’re getting up to 20°C during the day. Shit is fucked up yo.

    I have no idea what January and February are gonna be like. This year they were unseasonably warm followed by freezing cold March and April. First snow of the year was in spring.

    And don’t get me started on summer, used to be you wouldn’t even need AC around these parts now it’s unbearable without.

  • I just walked 3 miles from work in this freak snow storm. I have never known -30 degree wind chill. My ski mask had ice cicles hanging from my chin and nose.

    …Im probably lucky to be alive.

    • Red Phoenix
      21 year ago

      You kept moving so you were ok. Stay safe comrade, the cold kills. I like to keep extra clothes eith me in a bag for such emergencies. Sometimes it’s wiser to shelter in place than traverse.

        • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
          21 year ago

          Yeah I spend the whole winter wrapped head to toe in a double layer of wool thermals. It’s not cheap, but it’s cozy.

  • Absolute
    61 year ago

    -34 C out where I am right now when factoring in wind chill. Every time I think maybe it wouldnt be so bad to live here the rest of my life, winter hits and its worse than I recall somehow. Idk if I can deal with too many more of these winters

  • DankZedong
    61 year ago

    It was reaching -9 Celsius here a few days ago and it’s now around 14 Celsius outside. That’s a 23 degree difference in a matter of days.

  • We’re having a heat wave in Europe.

    It’s not really a heat wave by standards, but when you had -5C last week and suddenly it’s 10-15C, in December… yeah.

  • @carpe_modo@lemmygrad.ml
    61 year ago

    We were having a mild winter until the Arctic weather came. People here aren’t used to weather like this. Nothing is built for it, so things are getting destroyed from pipes busting to streets cracking

    • Absolute
      21 year ago

      We very well may be from the same place. I hate it here

  • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
    21 year ago

    It’s right below freezing here, but there was an ice storm last night. Everything is frozen. Really wish I had some kind of car oven, maybe built into the house. That would be cool.

  • ♥☭Wallace☭♥
    21 year ago

    Here in Southern Australia, we would be getting our dreaded 40°C+ days by now instead it’s straight-up winter. The silver lining is no insane bushfire season but at what cost!?!?

  • Drstrange2love
    21 year ago

    fortunately this christmas in my region we are having a very mild summer the thermometers are not going over 30c

  • @JITTERdUdE@lemmygrad.ml
    21 year ago

    No snow in New England either, we’ve just been having rain. I don’t know if it’s true but I heard someone say as climate change worsens that fall and spring will begin to shorten as seasons.

    • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      31 year ago

      Yes, fall and spring will shorten as the transitionary period necessitated by the lower levels of soil cooling off and warming up will cease to become necessary with high and extreme temperatures.

    • This is 100% true. The midwest used tonhave pretty even seasonal spread back in the 90s. Now we are lucky if we have 2 or 3 weeks of real spring or autumn. And summers are like being headlocked in Satan’s sweaty armpits.