• @Faresh
    271 year ago

    What it could have been.

  • DankZedong
    251 year ago

    Only far right lunatics want to split up Belgium between The Netherlands and France. A majority of the country doesn’t want to. The sentiment is basically non existent in Wallonia and it only exists in far right circles in Flanders.

    So I wonder what kind of ideology OP has.

  • Bruh the only dreams i’ve had that have maps just have normal ass maps from the modern day or from the 50s. Like this guy definitely made this horrible monarchist fascist bullshit and said “from my dream!!!” for updoots. My dreams are about me remixing MF DOOM and then phineas and ferb show up, chill

      • KakeruKoni
        1 year ago

        You know Ayrian is not Germanic! It means Iran. The Iran people have nothing to the with the Germanic people. Hitler just invented it out of his ass, that Aryan means Germanic. Like the Swastika & the Roman Salut fascists use aka (Cultural Appropriation)

    • @redsunrising@lemmygrad.ml
      21 year ago

      After a fair amount of digging I think the Scandinavian one is some version of the Kalmar union flag, because of course it is.

      • @whoami@lemmygrad.ml
        11 year ago

        had to google Kalmar union…if a 14th century political union is you’re inspiration, you might be off the mark