• Muad'Dibber
      1 year ago

      Harry Potter and Orwell are the millenial liberals go-to books for all political and philosophical thought. Every situation or facet of life has to be equated to some part of those books.

  • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    The communist manifesto isn’t a book, it’s a pamphlet. The bible is a patchwork of several books plus other writings that were tacked on centuries later.

    • Marxism-Fennekinism
      1 year ago

      For context, the communist manifesto is only about 7000 words. If you rant on the internet a lot like a lot of leftists, me included, you probably wrote more than that in, like, a week or two worth of comments? Many research papers are over 7000 words, as are many instruction manuals and warranties. I do literary roleplays where each person plays a character and we collectively write a story together (think dungeons and dragons but even nerdier and you’re effectively playing a campaign in novel form), and with an engaging plot arc an especially active RP group can bang that out in a day. The Librovox audio book of it is less than an hour and a half long, and Librivox is pretty notourious for reading stuff too slowly for many people. I can start listening to it at the start of my commute to university, and finish it before I get there. There are podcasts talking about the latest Jake Paul drama that’s longer than that.

      It’s not the “bible” of communism, it’s the TLDR of communism. If someone (usually a fake socialist lib) says they “finally” finished the communist manifesto, they didn’t even thumb through it if they think that’s impressive. Yet it’s shockingly common.

  • QueerCommie
    201 year ago

    Surprised they don’t have Mein kampf, oh right, fascists don’t read.