• Communist
      197 months ago

      Well, that’s not entirely fair, the gnome developers are pushing the issue upstream to the people who can cure colorblindness, because honestly, isn’t curing colorblindness the proper solution even if it takes longer?

    • @TeryVeneno
      7 months ago

      Why are people so toxic? This is a KDE post, at least celebrate the work being done instead of bashing people for no reason

        • @wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          67 months ago

          Then comment about it on posts about gnome, man. Or make your own separate post about the issues of gnome and gtk.

          “Hot takes” about a different piece of software don’t do anything for discussion of the actual topic of this post.

          • Tempy
            27 months ago

            I mean people are going to put their hot takes wherever made them think of it. Just down vote and don’t engage. Unless especially egregious then report them

    • ThyTTY
      87 months ago

      A feature exists for 1 day in KDE and we’re already bashing Gnome for its slow dev time?

  • macallik
    407 months ago

    Good to know. I will say as a colorblind person, it’s always a tad ironic because as a colorblind person, the filters don’t make things definitive. It’s still a bunch of random colors that I can’t identify lol

    • sik0fewl
      187 months ago

      What are your biggest pet peeves as a color blind person? In software, I mean.

      • Zoidsberg
        177 months ago

        Those global overlay filters that tint the whole screen never seem to do anything for me at all.

        On the other hand, the ones that change specific colours (enemy tags are blue instead of green, for example) are a huge help.

      • @OsrsNeedsF2POP
        7 months ago

        Partially red green colorblind here. There’s really no pet peeves, but sometimes if I must identify the color/color accent, it takes focus.

      • macallik
        7 months ago

        Great question. Had to think about it and I’d say for me personally, poor implementation of color pickers is the biggest frustration.

        As a technical user, I have no qualms w/ editing the default selection if it’s hard to read due to colors, but I get frustrated with poor color picker implementation. For example, color swaths that don’t have named descriptions when you hover over them. Even/especially the standard ROYGBIV colors on the first page of a color picker, but also to a lesser degree, descriptive hex codes on more nuanced online color pickers. I can’t tell the difference and don’t feel like hearing someone ask why I made the bold choice of making the sky pink.

        Another issue is something like KDE’s Konsole has a color picker that doesn’t have clear names/examples for which aspect of the terminal is being changed, so when I wanted to change the bash custom prompt color to improve readability, I had to edit 5-6 different options, and use trial and error to fix the color.

  • @fiah@discuss.tchncs.de
    7 months ago

    if this changes all colors with a global filter the way that some games like Overwatch (used to) do, then it’s really not going to help anyone. I’m red-green colorblind, so when something is highlighted in red it isn’t as obvious to me as it is to people with normal vision. However, the fix isn’t too globally mess with all the colors, the fix is to let me pick the highlight color so that I can choose what works best for me. Many games have figured this out long ago (thank you game devs!).

    • @lud@lemm.ee
      357 months ago

      The funniest is when game devs accidentally implement a mode that simulates colour blindness instead of helping colour blindness.

    • @Knusper@feddit.de
      117 months ago

      Well, they do already have that as part of their normal theming options. There’s just software where KDE’s theming doesn’t apply, like games and webpages, and best they can do for those, is to offer such filters…

      • @fiah@discuss.tchncs.de
        97 months ago

        best they can do for those, is to offer such filters

        well I’m sure some people will find it useful, but in my experience global filters make a global mess of everything without doing much of anything to alleviate the problem. Lucky for people like me, many games already have better options, and in other applications it usually isn’t much of a problem

    • @ornery_chemist@mander.xyz
      7 months ago

      Lol OW was the first thing I thought of.

      Me: hey look a protan filter

      OW: okay, red is now pink, and everything else is washed out :)

      Me: okay tritan it is

      OW: lol have fun on your acid trip

    • @Grass@sh.itjust.works
      67 months ago

      Do you mean the global filters change every colour making all the colours wrong/different, and you want to be able to override just the ones you have trouble with? I’ve never looked at colourblind options before so I’m not sure what they do.

      • @fiah@discuss.tchncs.de
        7 months ago

        oh it would for simple graphics like graphs/charts, but it’d be worse than useless for everything else like pictures / photos / video. That’s why I mentioned Overwatch as the example, which was the most egregious offender of this. If you turned on the colorblind mode in that game back when it was first introduced, it just chroma hue shifted all colors making it look like this:

        how anyone with a functioning eye and brain ever thought that was the solution is beyond me