I don’t think this change makes it more funny, it just changes the type of humor.
I don’t think this change makes it more funny, it just changes the type of humor.
Honestly my guy, you are not terrible person. I get where you’re at though, humans are social creatures and we do everything in power to make social reality actual reality. But you gotta remember that actual reality is the thing that actually exists not the social reality. We made that one up. And in the real reality the one that matters, you just exist nothing more nothing less. There is no wrong or right just existence.
I hope you can find people who are not living in the fake social reality and at least try to live in real reality. They will be your people. I found some of mine, I believe you will find yours.
Phantomime - Mori Calliope
Tales of Berseria, extremely solid real time jrpg with a female protagonist, been enioying it a lot.
I’ve been reading through some of your blog articles, and I wanted to ask if there are any other platforms you’re active on? I wanted to have a more in depth conversation but lemmy might not be the best place for that. I still think that some extrapolations of the theory need work, but the core is pretty solid and fairly in line with my beliefs. Would definitely be interested in getting more context to better inform my path in life going forward.
This is very interesting but feels deeply uncooked, needs some time in the oven to cement itself a little bit more
This doesn’t answer the primary concern though. Do male lions have the same hunt participation rate after being in a pride? All this paper talks about is strategy. Everyone knows male lions hunt, they have to before they get a pride. But what about after? Do they hunt at the same rate? Or just stop altogether?
I think the reason why it didn’t work on your external drive is that is a different permission to system files. Something to do with usb stuff.
When it comes to backing up your home files, I’m not sure what you mean by home file? Do you mean the home folder? Cause if so I don’t think SaveDesktop can do that as that includes all your files, not just your configs. You’d have to use another tool to move those folders.
I was not able to reproduce that bug, but I also did not change anything in flatseal, I think you shoulf just reset the permissions and/or reinstall and just try it normally.
I think it needs access to all your host files as well, let me see if I can replicate that error.
Wishing you luck, it’s so worth it once it works
Unprocessed palm oil. Not the stuff you get in stores that looks like a regular vegetable oil. The red stuff that solidifies but has a low melting point.
If you want something simple that does this for you: check out SaveDesktop. I’m not sure if it will meet every need, but it works for me when I need to switch.
You probably need to use localhost lol or the name of container set in the docker compose file. Both might work, I forget
I think this means it can’t actually see your jellyfin instance, you need to use your computer’s local network ip instead of localhost if the two containers aren’t in the same pod via a docket compose file. I’ve had this issue before.
Any of the Horizon games, genuinely some of the most beautiful games I have ever played. Zero Dawn has some downright beautiful winter environments. And while I’ve barely started Forbidden West, that game is a step up from the from the first game from the very first moment you get control of Aloy. So pretty! I recommend watching the trailers to see more
For starters, the exact words are “Should focus on software, not politics”. This is a commonly known dogwhistle, there are numerous cases of someone questioning whether trans people should have rights then saying this. The only correct way to say it is, “let’s not bring in legal politics”. Morality and Organization are separate topics and cannot be discarded in any context where people organize. That is all.
It’s not about the actual meaning, the statement itself is double talk to tell people to shut up when other people want to be bigots. There’s nothing wrong with wanting separation but communities should be inclusive by default with codes of conduct. Just simple rational organization, nothing else. Also I should clarify political to me is talking about elections in different countries and voting. Whether or not members of my community should exist or face harassment is not a political issue.
Was looking for this in this comment section, I see this solution as becoming the goto for moving between installs even though it is limited right now
What game were you referring to with this