• @onlooker
    31 year ago

    How is the interface in DF nowadays? Back when the game was just in ASCII, it was clunky as hell.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    21 year ago

    Ah the game that allowed for creations of some evilest game stories out there. And the community were relishing in that evil.

    And then there was the story of Obok Meatgod, a story so evil that the same community decided to purge all mentions of it and never talk about it again.

    • @frippa
      31 year ago

      You hyped me, I’m gonna try it once it becomes aviable on… The seven seas

      • @Stoned_Ape
        21 year ago

        You can download it for free: https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/

        The two brothers who make that game since 2006 have always made it available for free. Until the release of the Steam version, it was a text based UI, not graphical. There are graphical UIs made by the community, though.

        These two brothers seem to be very honest and straight forward people. In an interview, he was asked why they want money for the Steam version, and the answer was quite… direct and honest: One of the brothers needs expensive medication since many years. They could live well on the donations they receive. But now the other brother had an experience with cancer and realized, if they both would get really sick, they wouldn’t be able to pay for it. Personally, I deeply respect this unusually honest answer.

        Please don’t pirate this game. This really is the last game you want to pirate. These are no corporate game devs. They do what they do out of sheer love for the thing itself.

        Pirate games from EA or any of those other asshole companies. I do it some times as well. But not from those two fair and friendly human beings.

        • @frippa
          21 year ago

          I don’t pirate out of ethics, but out of necessity, I’m broke (and not broke as in can’t afford vacations, broke as in all of my windows in my house are broken and I Dont have money to fix them, the gas bill is 1/3"rd my income etcc) soo yes I do it out of necessity, just like I “help myself” at grocery stores

          • Amicese
            1 year ago

            deleted by creator

            • @frippa
              31 year ago

              Fortunately no, I live in the civilised world

              (just joking, I wish Europe was half as based as China)