Yes, we’re heading towards ecological collapse, but we’re making progress.

  • xenith
    163 years ago

    Yes, we’re heading towards ecological collapse, but we’re making progress.

    Corporations are polluting with greater impunity and verocity as ever before. We’re stuck arguing about recycling cans because Coke paid millions over decades to turn the discussion into recycling instead of regulating the producers of pollution and holding them accountable.

    To me, your comment sounds like, “Yes I have stage 4 cancer in several abdominal organs but I got a flu shot.”

  • @nutomicA
    3 years ago

    I want a version of this which gives examples from the global south, instead of western countries only. I agree with the title, but the video pretends like western countries are the good guys. In fact the vast majority of the world lives sustainable, only USA, Europe and a few other countries are responsible for the vast majority of emissions. In part by outsourcing their dirty production to poorer countries.