I’ve used the browser for a few months. Recently I’ve noticed it having lots of performance issues. Also, the search engine is pretty bad and also has errors.

I’m considering moving on from Brave. Anyone else have thoughts?

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Use Firefox modified or LibreWolf (and Mull on Android).


    Brave Browser is funded by DoD: https://np.reddit.com/r/privatelife/comments/fe34ls/exclusive_brave_browser_funded_by_dod_contractor/

    Brave traffic detected with Cryptocompare despite BAT rewards disabled: https://unddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/gr8nue/

    Brave also has a known history of whitelisting Facebook and Twitter trackers, and has a crippled adblocker that does not work on Brave’s “acceptable” advertisements.

    Brave Browser hardcoded their crypto partner Binance referral links (https://twitter.com/cryptonator1337/status/1269201480105578496) alongwith Ledger and soon-to-be-compromised Coinbase (https://decrypt.co/31461/coinbase-wants-to-identify-bitcoin-users-for-dea-irs)

    • 小莱卡
      51 year ago

      I see cryptocurrency, i uninstall browser. As simple as that lol, didn’t know about the other stuff but it’s not surprising at all, but at this point everything is funded by big tech, even Mozilla.

      • Yes. There is a privacy oriented soft-fork of Firefox called “LibreWolf”. It’s Firefox minus all the mozilla shit no one asked for.

        If you happen to run a GNU/Linux-libre distro there is also Iceweasel in your package repositories which is basically like LibreWolf but goes a step further and also removes all support for DRM crap that for example sites like Netflix rely on.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Apply arkenfox’s user.js on Firefox, use uBlock Origin medium mode and use Energized HOSTS systemwide. 95% of the work is done.

        Also, read the first line to my comment that you replied to.

  • @whoami@lemmygrad.ml
    121 year ago

    firefox, ublock origin, no script, multi-account containers, vpn of your choice.

    I’ve always preferred firefox over other browsers

  • @whoami@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    No I and I’ve never wanted to.

    edit: I’ve always preferred firefox, mostly for the addons. Big fan of ublock origin and multi account containers

  • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
    41 year ago

    I use Brave in my phone to stream from pirate sites in Minecraft and cast it to my TV. I still prefer Firefox even if it’s a bit shit on Android, I do love add-ons.

  • @Sun@lemmygrad.ml
    21 year ago

    A bit late to the party (had your post saved), but I’m of the opinion that no web browser has it all and that no browser is completely free of drama.

    I can’t comment on the performance issues you’re having, but you’re free to switch to any search engine you like in the settings of Brave just as you would with any other browser.

    Brave is open source. Unless there exists compelling evidence of malicious code being added (and no, the much exaggerated affiliate link drama doesn’t count imo), the argument that Brave is funded by an organisation that we don’t like means absolutely nothing.

    That said, Brave offers:

    • Built-in ad blocker aka Shields
      • Which will continue to work as it does now after the inevitable MV2 removal
      • Set to ‘aggressive’ to enable first-party filtering
    • CNAME uncloaking
      • CNAME cloaking is a technique increasingly used to circumvent ad blocker extensions including uBlock Origin for Chromium
    • Optimised for privacy out of the box
    • Removes tracking parameters from URLs seamlessly as you browse the web
    • Completely de-Googled
    • Consistently outperforms Chrome in every online benchmark
      • Confirmed in my own testing with three passes each
    • IPFS support
    • WebTorrent support
    • Crypto: Wallet, ENS, Tor, Rewards, etc
      • Personally disabled all of these
    • Sites generally work as they do in Chrome
      • Brave sends the same UA header to sites as Chrome
    • Vertical tabs (work in progress)

    Small quality-of-life changes/features that I appreciate:

    • Relevant tabs are opened next to the current tab
      • In Chrome, relevant tabs are opened after the last tab
    • Mute per tab by clicking on the loudspeaker icon
      • Chrome only lets you mute an entire site from the context menu
    • Force paste
      • You know those sites that don’t let you paste into input fields?
  • Johnny Mojo
    11 year ago

    On desktop I use Firefox with DuckDuckGo search engine and plugin, as well as Privacy Badger plugin. For android (e/OS), I use DuckDuckGo browser. I also have TOR browser on all of my devices for when I need more privacy.