Almost everything I see from there is blatant anti-western propaganda, but since they’re the “main instance”, their sheer volume overwhelms some parts. Such as Sopuli’s community->all -view.

Or am I just in the wrong place myself and I should just vanish back to reddit?

    81 year ago

    Vanishing back to reddit solves nothing. Engaging and contributing helps grow the network.

  • @graphito
    1 year ago

    I think the best way to go about it, is simply to do instance wide ban to main actors. 2-3 bans will clear 80 % of the problem. On the personal level you can block them as well

    • poVoq
      1 year ago

      Indeed, it is only a few notorious posters that spam most of the stuff you find objectionable. In fact, I think a single ban of the “Yoghurt guy” will solve your problem ;)

      • @graphito
        31 year ago

        I think a lot of instances (including sopuli) already banned my yoggie buddy. I have to login to lml just to see his posts 😂!

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          01 year ago

          I just love how I live rent free in your head. It’s so adorable that you obsess over me so much that you go out of the way to humiliate yourself publicly to get my attention. 😍

          • @graphito
            11 year ago

            so sweet of you to enjoy my company, I always knew we’d get along eventually and now I just cannot leave you all alone by yourself! Best friends forever!

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              01 year ago

              It’s so gracious of you to do this for free, you could make a whole career out of being a sad clown. Yet, here you are spending your one life making an ass out of yourself for my pleasure. Truly amazing.

              • @graphito
                11 year ago

                I mean I don’t mind getting paid to babysit you. Hopefully one day you’ll introduce me to your sponsor from RussiaToday. But for now, I’ll have to do that only as a part time gig, sorry 😢

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                  01 year ago

                  It’s adorable that this is what you think you’re doing. The best kind of clown is one who’s not even aware that he’s a clown. Also, just because I understand that Russia is winning the war does not mean I’m pro Russia. It’s just another capitalist shithole. It just happens to be a better functioning shithole that’s not tearing itself apart the way the west is.

                  The fact that you can’t even imagine two things being bad at the same time really highlights your intellectual prowess. 😂

  • QuentinCallaghanM
    61 year ago

    As is a big instance with lots of users and communities, Sopuli would lose lots of discussion by defederating from it. I’d leave it up to Sopuli’s users whether to discuss in the instance’s communities or not. This isn’t a situation where an instance as a whole is toxic (like with and The “main instance” has certainly propagandist anti-western actors, and I have banned several of them. As suggests, banning those actors is enough, and the users can of course use blocking.

    Or am I just in the wrong place myself and I should just vanish back to reddit?

    Not at all, this kind of issue has been in the air for some time. There is no need to go back to Reddit!

  • @pancake
    51 year ago

    Well, I don’t support people trolling within or across instances, but I think ideologies of any kind should be tolerated. I upvote any political post as long as it is intended to be honest, fun or otherwise constructive for us. Also in my opinion it’s nice to be reminded that whatever your side is, the other side is always right in one thing: you are being manipulated.

    • @graphito
      31 year ago

      You might like, it doesn’t block any instances – i.e. expects users to filter their feed themselves