Hi I saw a link posted to bunkerchan (bunkerchan.net) and saw bunkerchan was running off lynxchan ( i was impressed the site was functional without javascript!).
I hit the EDU link first and there was some cool marxist torrents and interesting threads on the DDR
However having visited a few times since then it has…such a weird vibe to it.
Like there’s people posting threads about polpot, a load of reactionary shit, nazbols posting… Like what is this?
Just a fed run honeypot? Bored 4 channers?
Its basically /leftpol on its own server as a safeguard, so sure bored 4channers dabbling and exploring leftist thought sounds about right for coherent explanations. Some stay chuds, others start to slowly get out of reactionary mindset.
Right it is weird but so was 8 and 4chan, I figure it’s an extension of that with all the issues and types of posters shared with their former home.