• SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    If I ever have children and am still unfortunately living in this cesspit, they’re getting homeschooled. Friends of mine have told me that that’s a bad idea because of the “lack of socialization” and they’ve met “weird home schooled kids” but you know what? I don’t want my child going to a school where an authority figure can beat them at will, where I may be sending them straight into a death-trap where they may get shot, where the education is pro-capitalist indoctrination, where the lauded “socialization” is really atomization, bullying, and a deep ingraining of individualist values. I’ll find different ways to get my kids socialized. I won’t allow the beast to swallow them.

    • mylifeforaiur@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Most of the “weird homeschool kid” comes from the overlap of religious extremists who homeschool. Their kids are “weird” because they’ve been brainwashed into believing a Bronze Age ideology steeped in violence and de-humanization.

      • darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Not just a Bronze Age ideology steeped in violence but usually a version of that which is chock full of whacky conspiracies like evolution being a lie by the devil, the earth being only 6000 years old, plain weird things like Adam and Eve riding dinosaurs (or alternatively dinosaurs being a lie planted by the devil), that abortion is a silent genocide of trillions of humans, and just all kinds of other horrifying, anti-social, child abuse shit. Manipulative and abusive psychology has been perfected by these people who publish many of those courses to coerce, manipulate and control kids into their cult. To teach them natural urges like masturbation, sex, etc are wrong, evil, etc. So they grow up hating themselves, seeing themselves as fallen, evil, wicked with a limited range of expression, stunted growth in many realms, etc.

        So yeah, home schooling minus that will definitely turn out a much more normal, well-adjusted kid.

    • Edith_Puthie@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Yep, right next door in Kansas feeling great about our decision to homeschool. When I thought about my own education (K-6th segment) I realized 90% of it is just learning how to be a decent person with a huge emphasis on shutting up, and decided we can probably do that without the strict authority adherence bits. I really hope y’all can repeal that before it spreads around the 4-states region, but I can imagine at least Arkansas is probably gearing up compliment similar policies.

      • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        In IL for now so it’s slightly better as we’re led by enlightened philosopher-billionaire-king Pritzker lol. Thank you for sharing your experience with homeschooling!