but can anyone find what kind of tank that is

  • DankZedong
    302 years ago

    But what if we respectfully debate the weaponized far-right militias, tankie?

    • Catraism-StalinismOP
      2 years ago

      “but doing anything more is illegal!!!”


      Og comment: “I don’t think you should exist, debate me”

      • DankZedong
        2 years ago

        This is what bugs me with these people. I don’t want to debate you on these topics if your starting point boils down to ‘you shouldn’t exist in my eyes’. Because there’s no way in hell I’ll compromise you on that.

        edit: see you’ve changed your comment. Their complete lack of further action is tiring as well.

        • Catraism-StalinismOP
          162 years ago

          sorry, I changed it a bit, but I added in the OG comment so yours has context! Exactly, we will debate only with guns on the topic of our existence.

          I saw Second thought put out some spicy content related to the lack of action

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    2 years ago

    C’mon, Catra. Don’t you remember Debate-Day? The day when the Allies landed in Normandy and destroyed the fascists with facts and logic?

    I mean, Hitler was so taken aback by his utter failure to understand that genocide is wrong, that he killed himself!

    • Catradora-Stalinism☭
      2 years ago

      That brings up my favorite point: What was it that took Berlin, respectable debate, or the rolling treads of soviet steel?

      But to be fair, they could be using this as an argument against our presence on the lemmy site as well as a pro-debate meme.

  • @frippa
    172 years ago

    You Can debate, in the people’s court

    • Catraism-StalinismOP
      152 years ago

      “Are you now, or ever have been, a member of the democrat or republican party?”

      • @frippa
        132 years ago

        We are so democratic, you can choose one of the 4 court’s walls

  • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    172 years ago

    It’s interesting how us Tankies are considered so beyond logic and reason, but the moment anyone starts to talk about how the general opinions on events in Eastern Europe or China might not be accurate suddenly you get dogpiled by libs.

  • ‘‘Communists are violent people, they just send tanks when someone tries disccussion!!!’’

    USSR dissolves

    One year later…

    Eastern Europe full of nazi hordes worshipping Hitler, monuments to nazis and calling for genocide of 50+ ethnic minorities and migrants in their countries


    • @sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
      52 years ago

      The irony is that the Liberals are praising that the Communists are more Liberal than the Liberals themselves when a second generation Soviet leader dissolve the USSR. The Liberals even claim that the Communists engage in the Liberal principle of mutual cooperation for mutual interest that the Liberals never practice in reality except with other Capitalists of equal wealth and privilege. It is ironic how the Liberal superpower use the very violence, sanction, and government intervention in the market that they attributed to the Communists. The Liberals state that free trade always lead to democracy even when they trade with authoritarian countries which contradict their policy to sanction dissending countries and coerce other countries to support the sanction. The state massacre against workers who demand meritocracy since the British steam revolution or the violent government intervention to oppose the invisible hand of the market who is allegedly electing overpowered fictional evil Communist mastermind into key positions of American society prove that the Liberals are free riding lazy parasites who depend on state terrorism for their success contrary to their Liberal principle of meritocracy.

  • @HaSch@lemmygrad.ml
    102 years ago

    Reminds me back when Archimedes demonstrated his glaring lack of sportsmanship after losing a fair debate in the free marketplace of ideas against this Roman soldier who didn’t think all that much of geometrical figures

  • JucheBot1988
    22 years ago

    We don’t give a fuck about respectful debate (with wreckers, libs, and nazis)