mastodon is great to talk and discover people but the hashtag approach is hard to find a community. I think lemmy fill the gap. I hope interaction between both platform will be awesome

  • @oriond
    114 years ago

    I feel they are very different approaches. But without a doubt Lemmy is an important missing piece in the Fediverse

    • sukotaiOP
      74 years ago

      I dream about application tusky/fedilab, with a direct cross-link between hashtag and Lemmy categories. And a direct crosslink between Lemmy users and their main mastodon/friendica…account

      • @lorabe
        54 years ago

        Hmmm, it makes me think, a fediverse with an unified account system (but optional) would be a nice idea.

        I have different accounts for different services, one account for peertube, another for Mastodon and so on and so forth.

        • sukotaiOP
          54 years ago

          i hope it will be the next step of federated services and like ‘the lord of ring’ : one ID (ring) to rule them all !

          • @realcaseyrollins
            24 years ago

            That kinda goes against decentralization tho, doesn’t it? To have only one account and use that for everything?

            Regardless, it would be nice. I think Lemmy posts and comments would show up rather nicely in Mastodon, but IDK about Mastodon toots’ visibility in Lemmy.

            I do think it’s more important to have a mobile app, tho.