• @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
    212 years ago

    I really don’t get this mindset. Even ignoring the conditions that created the causes for invasion, just because you’re country gets invaded doesn’t mean you’re some hero.

    Why didn’t Saddam get this treatment?

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      122 years ago

      Because the imperial core has total domination of the media landscape, especially back in the 90s. Luckily its not quite as bad these days, much of the developing world isn’t buying into it.

    • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Because he was scientific socialist, antiimperialist and antizionist. To be a western hero you need to be neoliberal, proimperialist, prozionist and preferably white.

      • @OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml
        82 years ago

        To my knowledge, Sadam was none of those things. He was an opportunist that CIA used to exterminate the communist movement in Iraq and then pitted him as a balancing force against Iran and the rest of the anti-West Middle East.

        If you have anything to read about Sadam that disproves this, please post it!

        • I wrote like 3 essays down below and recommended some sources. In short, theres no evidence of what you are claiming, although its a common myth promoted by western and iranian propaganda. The actual source that made this claim (without evidence) was actually backed by the CIA, King Hussein I from Jordan. He made this wild claim to deflect criticism from the baathists accusing him of being a reactionary CIA puppet (which he was).

          If what you are claiming is true (that Saddam and the iraqi baathists were anticommunist CIA puppets), then why did Iraq and the USSR sign in 1972 a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the USSR that lasted from 1972 to 1991 (when the USSR collapsed) and that allowed tens of thousands of soviet troops to be stationed in Iraq? Why did Iraq join COMECON, the soviet economic alliance, in 1975 as an observer and remain there until 1990 when it collapsed? Why did the USSR and other east bloc nations sell tons and tons of weapons to Iraq, including during the Iran Iraq War where they supported Saddam against Khomeini? Why did the USSR put itself on the line by warning the Shah of Iran that if he were to invade Iraq, the USSR would perceive it as an attack on the USSR and would respond with full force? Why did the iraqi baathists form a coalition government with the Iraqi Communist Party between 1972 and 1980? Why was Saddam Hussein personal friends with Nicolae Ceausescu and Fidel Castro, who were great communist leaders, if he was a CIA puppet? Why did Fidel Castro praise Saddam until his criminal execution in 2006 as a great socialist leader and antiimperialist?

          Im afraid to say that youre wrong. I know this belief of yours is common, i used to think that myself before i researched the topic, but if you look at the evidence youll see that its completely false. Saddam Hussein was a hero of socialism and of the iraqi people, and he, together with all the other iraqi baathists, should be always remembered as a good man that fought for his people and for socialism right until the very end.

        • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          So the Iran Iraq War. Why did it happen? Who started it? Contrary to popular belief, it was Iran who started it. Baathist Iraq, together with the USSR, had been a huge supporter of the Iranian Revolution and Khomeini. The Shah of Iran was a sworn enemy of the baathists. He had invaded Iraq and annexed territory and regularly funded separatist and terrorist groups in Iraq. In fact, Baathist Iraq had given political asylum for years to Khomeini, and while they were forced to stop helping him after an agreement was reached with the Shah in 1975 (in exchange of which Iran would stop attacking Iraq and funding terrorists), they still allowed him to leave freely, they didnt turn him over to the Shah. For these obvious reasons, Saddam praised the iranian revolution. He said “we see in the heroic struggle of the iranian students against oppression the spirit of the Baath Party”.

          Both Iraq and the USSR were enthusiastic about the revolution, since it wiped out one of the strongest US allies in the region (the Shah), and were ready to invite Khomeinis Iran into the antiimperialist bloc. But Khomeini, being the dumbass religious fanatic he was (im sorry but its the truth), he refused. He started persecuting the iranian communists and hanging them in public. These were the same iranian communists who had called on all communists to vote yes to the Islamic Republic in the 1979 referendum and who had always supported Khomeinis government. Many of these communists remained loyal to Khomeini while they were being hanged. Khomeini persecuted his own supporters just because they were “infidel secularist atheists” (as he called them). Thats how much of a fanatic he was. And no, im not saying the Shah was better than Khomeini. Khomeini was definetely progressive compared to the Shah, but his reactionary anticommunist and antisecularist policies cannot be forgotten.

          So Iraq and the USSR got the same treatment as the iranian communists, since they were “infidel secularists”. Khomeini started denouncing “soviet imperialism”, which was “just as bad as american imperialism”. He started executing iranian leftists under the charge of “being soviet spies”. The USSR did everything to appease Iran and ally with Khomeini, but Khomeini categorically refused. With Iraq, it was even worse. Khomeini started saying that shias were oppressed in Iraq. This was absolutely ludicrous. Most of the baath party was shia (which makes sense since shias are the majority in Iraq) and the Iraqi Foreign Minister during the Iran Iraq War, Sadun Hammadi, who was very opposed to Khomeinis policies towards Iraq, was a shia. Nevertheless, Khomeini called on the iraqi shias to revolt and overthrow the “infidel secularist baathists” to bring to power an islamist government loyal to him. In what world is this acceptable? You just got to power and you start calling for regime change in your neighbour country, the same antiimperialist socialist country that had given you asylum before?

          Iran started funding islamist terrorist groups like the Dawa Party. These groups started bombing sunni and shia mosques, hoping to create a sectarian religious division (that had not existed before mind you) so as to divide and conquer Iraq. Iran also started shelling iraqi border posts. This alone would be enough to declare war. But Saddam didnt. He knew that a war with Iran would benefit only the imperialists and would be unwinnable. He went to the Non Aligned Movement (of which both Iran and Iraq were part of) and asked Cuba to mediate a negotiation. Khomeini refused to negotiate with “infidel secularist baathists”. Saddam went to the UN and asked the USSR to mediate. Same result. Iran also started blockading the persian gulf, Iraqs only access to the ocean which they use to trade a lot. At this point, what options did Iraq have? Khomeini refused to negotiate and was stubborn of overthrowing the iraqi baathists. They had no option.

          So on the 22 September 1980 Saddam Hussein declared war on Iran and launched a full scale invasion. The invasion aimed at the oil rich and arab majority Khuzestan region, where they knew local resistance to the iraqi forces would be lower (since the population is arab). The objective of this was to weaken Iran and force it to negotiate, since Iran was much stronger than Iraq and it was impossible to just go to Teheran and overthrow Khomeini. Contrary to popular belief, Saddams main supporter during the war wasnt the US, but the USSR. The vast majority of weapons used during the war were USSR and east bloc. Most socialist countries supported Iraq, including the USSR, East Germany, Czeckoslovakia, Cuba and Yugoslavia. Romania remained neutral and China sold weapons to both sides, while Libya, Syria, DPRK and South Yemen supported Iran (for different reasons). Contrary to popular belief, the US didnt suppport Iraq against Iran, it supported both sides (which makes sense since both sides were antiimperialist and antizionist). The US sold chemical weapons and satellite intelligence to Iraq while secretly selling tons of weapons to Iran (see Iran Contra scandal). Iran also bought many weapons and replacement parts from Israel (Iran was fully stocked with israeli weapons from the shah). The Mossad also trained special forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The objective of the US here is clear, to weaken both Iraq and Iran who were US enemies by supporting both sides, thus prolonging the war.

          I hope this explains why the war happened. Ill do Kuwait now.

        • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Nah that is a very common myth. Baathist iraq was one of the closest allies of the USSR in the middle east. Iraq signed in 1972 a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the USSR. USSR troops were stationed in Iraq from 1972 until the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The USSR gave protection to Iraq from Imperial Iran (Iran under the Shah, before the revolution), which was proUS and proIsrael and funded terrorist and separatist groups to destabilize socialist iraq. In 1975 Baathist Iraq also joined COMECON (the soviet economic alliance) as an observer, where it remained until COMECON collapsed in 1990. COMECON was Iraqs biggest trading partner by far. Most of iraqs weapons were soviet and east bloc, supplied by the USSR. The USSR provided a lot of economic aid that helped Iraq nationalize foreign assets (including oil), collectivize agriculture into peasant cooperatives, industrialize the country, build up a modern universal education and healthcare system and create mass organizations to organize the iraqi working class.

          Extensive educative cooperation was established between Iraq and the USSR. Many iraqis studied in the USSR (including Hakims father) as part of exchange programs. Iraqi military officers were trained in the USSR in intelligence and military skills. The Mukhabarat (iraqi intelligence) and the KGB cooperated a lot, mainly in regards of countering and containing Israel and the Shah of Iran and supporting Palestine. So as you can see Iraq and USSR were very close allies. This also expanded to other COMECON countries. In particular, Iraq was very close to Romania and Cuba. In particular, Saddam Hussein was personal friends with Nicolae Ceausescu and Fidel Castro. There are several iconic pictures of Saddam and Castro riding together around Havana and smoking cuban cigars together. Saddam was provided free back surgery in Cuba. Cuba supported Saddam and Iraq until the end. Cuba provided extensive medical aid during the brutal sanctions against Iraq in the 90s. The Communist Party of Cuba released an official statement in 2006 condemning the illegal invasion of Iraq, the destruction of iraqi socialism and the show trial and criminal execution of Saddam Hussein. Baathist Iraq was never a US puppet, its a myth. In regards to Iran and Kuwait ill respond now one moment.

        • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          So Kuwait is pretty straightforward, theres nothing too controversial about it. The 8 year Iran Iraq War had devastated Iraqs economy. To cope with this, Iraq had been taking many loans from reactionary arab countries during the war (countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait). These reactionary proUS countries had supported Iraq to counter iranian influence in the region, which they feared would overthrow their US puppet governments (and still do fear nowadays). So the Iran Iraq War ends and Iraq has a huge debt. One of the countries they are heavily indebted to is Kuwait, a reactionary proimperialist, prozionist absolute monarchy. While Iraq is struggling to pay the debts, Kuwait and the US see a chance to destroy iraqi socialism. Kuwait starts increasing interest rates on the debt, something they explicitly promised they wouldnt do when the loans were taken during the war. Kuwait also starts selling their oil at cheaper prices, so as to lower international oil prices and screw with Iraqs economy which was heavily dependant on oil sales revenue, especially now with the huge debt. Kuwait also buys horizontal oil drills from the US and starts straight up stealing iraqi oil from the border. This was obviously a provocation designed to force Iraq into a war, weakening it even more, probably planned with the US.

          Iraq demands that Kuwait stop doing these anti iraqi activities, Kuwait refuses. Keep in mind that Kuwait had an absolutely pathetic and minuscule military, owing its entire existance on US protection. Saddam ask the US if they would object to an iraqi invasion of Kuwait, to which the US said “no, we are neutral in this conflict”. They were lying, it was a trap. Given that Kuwait had an almost nonexistent military force and the US had said no problem, Saddam launched on 2 August 1990 a full scale invasion of Kuwait to stop them from stealing the oil and fucking with Iraqs economy. The weak kuwaiti military is completely overrun and in just 2 days the war ends and the iraqis take control of Kuwait. Iraq brings the kuwaiti baath party to power, which proclaims the Republic of Kuwait, a socialist republic. Keep in mind the contrast between the previous Kuwait, a reactionary absolute monarchy. Saddam was bringing progress to Kuwait. The plan was to bring the iraqi socialist system to Kuwait, including collectivization of agriculture, nationalizations and a planned economy. This didnt happen because of the US intervention.

          After the UN and even Iraqs main backer the USSR (fuck Gorbachev) didnt recognize the new Republic of Kuwait and imposed sanctions on Iraq, Saddam decided it was safer to incorporate Kuwait into Iraq, which he did. The ruling kuwaiti baath party was united with the iraqi baath party, remaining in power inside Kuwait. Then the US betrayed their promise to Saddam and accused them of a “brutal invasion”. They invented the Nayirah testimony and invaded Iraq with a massive carpet bombing campaign that killed thousands of civilians. Hafez Al Assads Syria opportunistically participated in the imperialist invasion due to the rivalry between the syrian and iraqi baath parties. Iraq loses the war and is forced to retreat from Kuwait. The imperialists put back in power the reactionary monarch and all the planned socialist reforms are cancelled. The US also tried to overthrow the iraqi government at the end of the war by funding shia islamist and kurdish separatist terrorists, but that failed. Even the Iraqi Communist Party collaborated in this imperialist coup attempt (if you wanna know why let me know and ill explain, its a long story).

          So yeah i think its clear that Iraq was doing nothing wrong when invading Kuwait. They were defending themselves from imperialism and bringing socialism to Kuwait. Unfortunately it failed thanks to Gorbachev betraying Iraq.

          • Thank you, this is all really enlightening. I do want to know why the communist party helped the imperialists, but you’ve already written an essay today 🙃 <center style=“font-size: 10em; font-family: cursive; transform: rotate(-3deg)”>o7</center>

            • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              Oh its ok, ill just copypaste an old comment i wrote on this. It repeats some stuff i already said but it explains why the ICP sometimes collaborated with imperialism. O7

              The people who say that slanderous shit about Saddam are simply ignorant. They bought into western and iranian propaganda. Saddam Hussein was a baathist. Baathists arent anticommunists, baathism was literally founded by a syrian communist (Michel Aflaq) who believed marxism leninism couldnt be just copied from the Soviet Union and pasted onto the arab world, it needed to be adapted to the material conditions of arab countries. Baathism came out of this. Baathism is basically marxism leninism +panarabism. They believe that the working class must seize power led by a vanguard party and establish socialism, and later on as classes disappear communism will be reached. Basic marxism. Panarabism is the belief that all the arab speaking countries, from Morocco to Iraq, are 1 nation that was divided by colonialist powers. Baathists want to unite all arab countries under one socialist republic. Baathists also believe in multi party democracy along with a vanguard party. This means that 1 party, the Baath Party, will lead the government but other parties will also be allowed as long as they arent reactionary. This includes communists, and in fact coalition governments of baathists and communists were formed both in Syria and Iraq (and in Syria its still like this).

              However it is true that there was persecution of communists in Baathist Iraq. Why is this? Well we must understand the history of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP). In its recent history, the ICP has been a very opportunistic party. The earliest example of this is the Ramadan Revolution of 1963 in Iraq. This revolution toppled the military dictatorship of Abdul Karim Qasim, a general who had come to power after the 1958 Revolution which toppled the UK puppet monarchy of Iraq. Qasim wasnt a communist, however he did cooperate with the USSR as a wedge against the british who were angry that he toppled their puppet. For this reason the ICP cooperated with Qasim. Nevertheless, Qasim did no meaningful reforms that were demanded by the iraqi people. No land reform, no nationalizations, nothing. He was just enriching himself. So the Ramadan Revolution happened and he was toppled by the baathists and nasserists (another strand of arab socialism). But instead of supporting this popular revolution, the ICP chose to side with Qasim against the iraqi workers. All of this just so they could use Qasim as a wedge to weaken the baathists and nasserists and also to please Khrushchev. This is a clear example of ICP being opportunistic.

              The Ramadan Revolution is also important because the myth of “Saddam being a US puppet” comes from here. And yet, the source of this myth is a literal CIA puppet. King Hussein of Jordan, a UK and US puppet, claimed that the Ramadan Revolution was orchestrated by the US. This was cheap slander against the baathists who rightfully denounced him as a reactionary. So, the leaders of this revolution were Ahmed Hassan al Bakr and Saddam Hussein (baathists) and the Arif brothers (nasserists). As further evidence of baathists not being anticommunists, Bakr said in front of the international reporters covering the events that “Despite the brutal fighting between us and communists, we are not anticommunist, we oppose anticommunism. We just fought them because they took up arms in counterrevolution. We hope for cooperation with the communists”.

              So in the end the Arif brothers took over and persecuted the baathists, becoming a bureoucratic reactionary government like the Qasim regime themselves. For this reason in 1968 another revolution occured. This one finally brought the baathists to full power, allowing them to start their ambitious socialist program. They began land reform, nationalization and creation of mass organizations. They sought help from the USSR to do this and became one of their closest allies in the Middle East. In 1972 they signed a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the USSR. This treaty allowed soviet troops to be stationed in Iraq. They were there until the USSR ceased to exist in 1991. Most of iraqs weapons were soviet and east bloc, supplied by the USSR. Also in 1972 an agreement was reached and the ICP and kurdish political parties were invited into the government by the baathists. Autonomy was also granted to Iraqi Kurdistan (this debunks another myth that Saddam genocided kurds). In the 1970s relations between the baath party and the ICP were good.

              However in 1980 the Iran Iraq War, caused by Iran trying to topple the “infidel secularist baathist regime” (as Khomeini called them) for no reason, began. At this time, the ICP again showed their extreme opportunism. They began organizing antigovernment protests and calling for regime change. They hoped to use the war to overthrow the baath party and seize power for themselves. So ofc they were expelled from the government and rightfully repressed. But again, as proof that Saddam wasnt anticommunist, a minor proSaddam faction of the ICP was again invited into the government in the early 90s and allowed to operate. During the 1991 Gulf War the ICP tried again, together with kurdish and shia islamist political parties, to do regime change. How is that okay? You are being invaded by the imperialist US and instead of defending your socialist government you try to do a revolution? Very opportunistic. It got even worse during the 2003 Iraq Invasion when the ICP actively collaborated with US forces and refused to participate in or endorse the resistance. Indeed, the ICP was very happy to collaborate with the invaders in exchange for minor government posts and the legalization of the party. This is exactly why noone in Iraq likes the ICP, they are opportunists. The real opposition to the US in Iraq nowadays comes from proIran shia militias like Hezbollah who actually do something. I think this explains well why the ICP was repressed by Saddam.

              As a final note, im not saying that all ICP members were reactionary or opportunist. The main problem was the leadership, which considered baathism to be “bourgeois nationalism” and thus were ready to collaborate with imperialism, because according to them baathists and imperialists were just as bad. This is ludicrous considering the policies of the baathists and the fact that the communists had been part of the government. Im sure many good iraqi communists suffered under Saddam, but i think the main blame is on the ICP leadership, not on Saddam.

                • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 years ago

                  Yeah and its very unfortunate because the ICP used to be a very strong party, the second strongest in Iraq after the baath party, very popular. However the constant fighting between the baath party and the ICP in the 1980s and 1990s weakened the ICP a lot. That combined with their terrible leadership who were imo very opportunist and selfish completely destroyed the party. After the 2003 US invasion they became a completely reformist party, often straight up proimperialist. They rejected marxism leninism, instead became a marxist reformist party. They dont even have a militia, and this in Iraq, the country with thousands of militias and weapons everywhere. All the ICP does is run in elections and print newspapers. How is this the vanguard of the iraqi working class? Oh, and they also collaborate with imperialism. The current General Secretary was a member of the US puppet government installed after the 2003 invasion. Yes, the leader of the COMMUNIST PARTY, was part of the government that did neoliberal shock therapy and ran the Abu Ghraib torture camp. Thats how fucked the party is, worse than the CPUSA if you ask me. They also often oppose proIran shia militias like Hezbollah who actually challenge US imperialism. I think they have also participated in attempted color revolutions against proIran iraqi governments (not 100% sure tho). So yeah, straight up proimperialists.

                  Very sad tbh, a bunch of morons crashed a great communist party. Imagine how great Iraq would be if the ICP had stayed in the baath ICP coalition. Truly very sad and disappointing.

        • Not really. He was a baathist, he was procommunist, antiimperialist and antizionist. He was a huge ally of the USSR and other AES countries like Romania and Cuba. Ill copypaste this old comment i posted on the subject explaining it in detail:

          The people who say that slanderous shit about Saddam are simply ignorant. They bought into western and iranian propaganda. Saddam Hussein was a baathist. Baathists arent anticommunists, baathism was literally founded by a syrian communist (Michel Aflaq) who believed marxism leninism couldnt be just copied from the Soviet Union and pasted onto the arab world, it needed to be adapted to the material conditions of arab countries. Baathism came out of this. Baathism is basically marxism leninism +panarabism. They believe that the working class must seize power led by a vanguard party and establish socialism, and later on as classes disappear communism will be reached. Basic marxism. Panarabism is the belief that all the arab speaking countries, from Morocco to Iraq, are 1 nation that was divided by colonialist powers. Baathists want to unite all arab countries under one socialist republic. Baathists also believe in multi party democracy along with a vanguard party. This means that 1 party, the Baath Party, will lead the government but other parties will also be allowed as long as they arent reactionary. This includes communists, and in fact coalition governments of baathists and communists were formed both in Syria and Iraq (and in Syria its still like this).

          However it is true that there was persecution of communists in Baathist Iraq. Why is this? Well we must understand the history of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP). In its recent history, the ICP has been a very opportunistic party. The earliest example of this is the Ramadan Revolution of 1963 in Iraq. This revolution toppled the military dictatorship of Abdul Karim Qasim, a general who had come to power after the 1958 Revolution which toppled the UK puppet monarchy of Iraq. Qasim wasnt a communist, however he did cooperate with the USSR as a wedge against the british who were angry that he toppled their puppet. For this reason the ICP cooperated with Qasim. Nevertheless, Qasim did no meaningful reforms that were demanded by the iraqi people. No land reform, no nationalizations, nothing. He was just enriching himself. So the Ramadan Revolution happened and he was toppled by the baathists and nasserists (another strand of arab socialism). But instead of supporting this popular revolution, the ICP chose to side with Qasim against the iraqi workers. All of this just so they could use Qasim as a wedge to weaken the baathists and nasserists and also to please Khrushchev. This is a clear example of ICP being opportunistic.

          The Ramadan Revolution is also important because the myth of “Saddam being a US puppet” comes from here. And yet, the source of this myth is a literal CIA puppet. King Hussein of Jordan, a UK and US puppet, claimed that the Ramadan Revolution was orchestrated by the US. This was cheap slander against the baathists who rightfully denounced him as a reactionary. So, the leaders of this revolution were Ahmed Hassan al Bakr and Saddam Hussein (baathists) and the Arif brothers (nasserists). As further evidence of baathists not being anticommunists, Bakr said in front of the international reporters covering the events that “Despite the brutal fighting between us and communists, we are not anticommunist, we oppose anticommunism. We just fought them because they took up arms in counterrevolution. We hope for cooperation with the communists”.

          So in the end the Arif brothers took over and persecuted the baathists, becoming a bureoucratic reactionary government like the Qasim regime themselves. For this reason in 1968 another revolution occured. This one finally brought the baathists to full power, allowing them to start their ambitious socialist program. They began land reform, nationalization and creation of mass organizations. They sought help from the USSR to do this and became one of their closest allies in the Middle East. In 1972 they signed a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the USSR. This treaty allowed soviet troops to be stationed in Iraq. They were there until the USSR ceased to exist in 1991. Most of iraqs weapons were soviet and east bloc, supplied by the USSR. Also in 1972 an agreement was reached and the ICP and kurdish political parties were invited into the government by the baathists. Autonomy was also granted to Iraqi Kurdistan (this debunks another myth that Saddam genocided kurds). In the 1970s relations between the baath party and the ICP were good.

          However in 1980 the Iran Iraq War, caused by Iran trying to topple the “infidel secularist baathist regime” (as Khomeini called them) for no reason, began. At this time, the ICP again showed their extreme opportunism. They began organizing antigovernment protests and calling for regime change. They hoped to use the war to overthrow the baath party and seize power for themselves. So ofc they were expelled from the government and rightfully repressed. But again, as proof that Saddam wasnt anticommunist, a minor proSaddam faction of the ICP was again invited into the government in the early 90s and allowed to operate. During the 1991 Gulf War the ICP tried again, together with kurdish and shia islamist political parties, to do regime change. How is that okay? You are being invaded by the imperialist US and instead of defending your socialist government you try to do a revolution? Very opportunistic. It got even worse during the 2003 Iraq Invasion when the ICP actively collaborated with US forces and refused to participate in or endorse the resistance. Indeed, the ICP was very happy to collaborate with the invaders in exchange for minor government posts and the legalization of the party. This is exactly why noone in Iraq likes the ICP, they are opportunists. The real opposition to the US in Iraq nowadays comes from proIran shia militias like Hezbollah who actually do something. I think this explains well why the ICP was repressed by Saddam.

          Now on sources, ill link a good introductory video on baathism and a couple good books that go more in depth:

          Introductory video on baathism:


          In depth analysis of the material conditions of Iraq and the 3 main leftist movements that sprang out of it (communists, nasserists and baathists) by a palestinian communist:


          More general book on the different strands of arab leftism:


    • @REEEEvolution@lemmygrad.ml
      142 years ago

      And plays piano with his dick, and throws his promise of peacemaking over board, and orders the murder of critical journalists and snorting whole autobahns of coke.

  • @OsrsNeedsF2P
    172 years ago

    Nah this is capitalism, maggots swarming over the fresh money meat

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    122 years ago

    I laughed at the captain Ukraine thing, now are we actually another step closer to seeing him join the Avengers?

  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
    82 years ago

    I actually feel kinda bad about this. Some poor brainwashed minimum wage worker is probably desperately saving up for this as we speak, finding the only meaning of their life in the declining US empire in some delusional conception of “Ukraine”. The poor bastards.