I don’t know what you guys are complaining about. This is a perfect opportunity to work on our tans!
This year, I’m going with charcoal black.
Remember than sunburn is terrible for your skin. :D
joke’s on you – no skin left
Wait, what?
Can’t have skin if the skin’s burned off
I dunno, my brain isn’t very big
Sadly true
I remember very well those old days when we laughed about these guys who were walking around with a sign ‘Pray, the end is near’.
There are actually some Christians saying things along the lines of “we’re in the end times, stop trying to fix climate change because it doesn’t matter and you don’t have much time on Earth anyway, start repenting, you science heathens!”
I know that there are people who try to fix a car breakdown with prayers and holy water
The Apocalypse is here.
Then we must kill the heralds of it
Our South Asian comrades are gonna face the worse
unléss wé gét a néw icé agé
It’s raining where I live.