8. und 9. Mai: Berlin verbietet sowjetische Flagge im Umfeld von Ehrenmalen. Polizei: Zeigen der Fahne ist »Verherrlichung« des Ukraine-Kriegs • Foto: imago stock&people
Revisionism marching on
City’s governed by a red-red-green coalition (SPD-Left-Greens) too
They’re going to be waving Yankee flags, aren’t they
Just gonna leave this here
Not about Germany, but can be safely applied across all of Europe
Which nation, in your opinion, contributed most to the defeat of Germany in 1945
I missed this reply. Guess I’m better at French than I thought.
My condolences for your Fr*nch skills
I dont speak french at all, just enough Spanish and English to approximate :)
From my poor French and what I’m guessing:
French poll: “Which, according to you, nation contributed the most in the defeat of Germany in 1945?”
Propaganda is one helluva drug.