• @VictimOfReligion@lemmygrad.ml
    212 years ago

    Let’s completely forget also that Xinjiang had an incredible problem of non-muslim Uyghurs being harassed and even harmed by those “poor Muslim Uyghurs” before the reeducation campaign started to a point people got beaten up for eating pork or simply being atheist. Let’s fucking always ignore this. Because every single religious person is a poor victim and never the persecutor. Of course.

    Fucking orientalist assholes.

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    132 years ago

    My god what. The second one seems like you were trying to explain that they’re expanding job opportunities to integrate the Uyghurs into wider china (so that they aren’t impoverished or disproportionately educated) and they’re taking it as “cleansing of culture”. Like what the fuck. First Image makes me wonder what the fuck their earlier arguments were. Force fed pork? Do libs believe this shit?

    • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
      2 years ago

      Learning a second language = genocide / colonialism

      (This is an actual take I’ve seen, unfortunately more than once)

      In other news, I’ve been found dead

    • Libs will also believe that culture only started when Abrahamism came out, absolutely forgetting how Uyghurs were making whine centuries before Islam was invented, they being majorily Buddhist before the Islamic Conquest/Expansion came to China. Their idealism is beyond any limits or charts.

    • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
      22 years ago

      Truth be told, they hadn’t said THAT one specifically, but I’ve heard it before and I had later heard it debunked incredibly so that’s my go-to response whenever I hear “CulTuRal GenOCIde”

  • AdvancedAktion
    2 years ago

    Aktually learning a second language is cultural genocide. Thats why most of the americans only learn one language ie: American. They are preserving the glorious american culture of McDonald’s and coca cola.

    • @DPUGT2
      2 years ago

      I’m not sure if this is meant to be sarcastic or not, but whenever some fat 50 yr old bitсh is ranting about someone else not speaking English, it is very much the intent to stamp out other languages within US borders.

      Be reasonable. She never wanted to speak to those people anyway, so it’s not as if them speaking a non-English language is somehow a personal inconvenience to her. We both know it to be true.

      Hell, for the longest time, forcing native Americans to not speak their own language was policy. It was couched in terms of trying to lift them up and make them capable of prospering in American society, which would have been obvious to anyone who watched those kids be tortured whenever they were caught speaking non-English.