When I was in Europe, not only were people repelled at the mere idea of using SMS, but it also didn’t work at all more often than not. I still don’t know why. I got a local SIM, so it wasn’t an international roaming issue. Shit just didn’t work, no matter how I entered country codes in my contacts. While I’ve never had an issue sending SMS in the US, I just reinstall WhatsApp when I visit Europe because I cannot count on SMS working.
It effectively is in some countries.
When I was in Europe, not only were people repelled at the mere idea of using SMS, but it also didn’t work at all more often than not. I still don’t know why. I got a local SIM, so it wasn’t an international roaming issue. Shit just didn’t work, no matter how I entered country codes in my contacts. While I’ve never had an issue sending SMS in the US, I just reinstall WhatsApp when I visit Europe because I cannot count on SMS working.
It’s also used very heavily for groups chats.