When I was on Reddit I felt like my opinion didn’t matter. But here it just feels more open and free.

  • Lvxferre
    1 year ago

    Me, by far.

    In Reddit: dropped mod position years ago. Used uBlock Origin to remove the voting buttons, as they’re pointless. The only threads that I’ve created were in r/RedditAlternatives, near the end. Create account, comment as I feel in the mood to comment, shred its content, repeat every ~3 months. Extremely rude tone towards anyone showing the smallest sign of shallow thinking, wishful thinking, or similar character flaws. Scaling up arguments for the sake of why not.

    Here: moderating three comms. Actively voting. Creating threads fairly often, specially in the comms that I mod. Trying to keep a polite tone and contribute as long as I can. I’ve only got a single potential fight (against an extremely trashy user - assumptive, with poor reading, but still screeching like he was in Reddit), and even then I simply told myself “meh, why bother”.