I’m just curious for the new or existing people? Lemmy.ml has taken a hard turn to the right since the reddit exodus. There’s been a lot of pro-imperialist propaganda being posted on world news, and a lot less diversity of opinion. It feels more neoliberal and neo-con to me.

Does anyone want to share what their political leanings are?

I’ll start; I’m anti-imperialist pro-state regulated capitalism. I believe we should have usage based taxes (toll roads, carbon tax) and luxury taxes, and I disagree with wealth taxes for people with less than $250 million. The state should spend more money on consumer protection in all industries (environment, health, finance, etc.) I believe in multipolarity vs. US hegemony.

  • PorkRollWobbly
    1 year ago

    I thought I’d be able to express my thoughts a lot more efficiently. The gist of “why syndicalism” for me is because I believe a society that centers around workers rights and proper work conditions would create a culture that would value human life more than a profit centered society.

    • paramaramboh
      1 year ago

      well, I’ll be honest and say that this really doesn’t convince me, but then again it would be asking for a lot to just get an entire ideology explained in a few sentences by a stranger on an online forum

      you’ve awakened my interest and I will look into the philosophy behind syndicalism, it is always nice to learn about alternatives to profit-oriented systems of organizing a society