Most disgusting food, stupidest people, worst weather, whatever reason. What is the shittiest part of your country?

    1 year ago

    Objectively for the US it might be the Kensington area of Philadelphia. It’s the poorest neighborhood of a poor city that became known for a massive open drug and prostitution market. At any time of the day or night you can find tons of people stumbling through the streets out of their minds. People are frequently killed by violence and accidentally hit by cars. The most common drug there “tranq” is literally the horse tranquilizer Xylazine that is resistant to narcan.

    I found two news headlines from days apart side by side that kind of signify how the entire situation is being viewed and addressed.

    “Philadelphia neighborhood worries sinkhole will swallow their cars on Keim Street.”

    “30-foot sinkhole in Philadelphia swallows car.” No kidding.