I have an issue with being bored and depressed alot, i take meds but i stil feel like osmething is missing. is there a solution to deal with theses things becasue i feel constanly bored, are there any tips or sulutions to solve this? also i rant about being bored to everyone even the internet.

  • Ratboy
    2 years ago

    Not sure what medications you’re taking obviously, but it may be worth researching ADHD. If you often feel bored, struggle greatly with keeping up routines as hard as you try, start new hobbies and quickly lose interest, starting things is very difficult… those are all symptoms of ADHD.

    Another thing, I think, if you maybe stay bored because it feels overwhelming to like, go ride your bike or start something involved, lower your expectations of the activity. Instead of a long bike ride. Take a walk around the block. And any time you might have a small spark of motivation to get moving, take it! Don’t wait because that wave may subside and it’ll be hard to get started when it’s too late.

    Now, if you do participate in things, and try new stuff, but you even feel bored then. It may be anhedonia if you feel like you can’t access enjoyment. So might be worth looking at different depression or anxiety meds. Anhedonia is a tough one to try and overcome alone