In my early 20s, I got tinnitus even though in the rare occasion I’m around loud noises I wear hearing protection.

In my mid-late 20s, my vision got worse after never needing glasses and my knees starting creaking with occasional pain. I now need some more involved dental work even though I brush and floss regularly.

I’ve lived a predominantly outdoor, active lifestyle the last several years, so I should be quite well off health-wise, but it still feels like I’m aging faster than I should be. wtf?

    2 years ago

    earlier than that for me:

    • ran into a barbed wire fence on a bike in 2nd grade & cut one of my thighs down to the muscle layer, requiring a couple hundred stitches (and let me tell you, pulling those out was not fun).
    • fell off of a rock onto one of my knees in 5th grade, necessitating surgery (it didnt cut my jeans, havent worn jeans since)
    • had to get glasses in 6th grade, and stepped on broken glass that year, bunch of stiches in my feet.
    • broke an arm in 8th grade
    • had a power sander accident in 11th grade (rerouting some of the veins in my left wrist).

    in my 20s, I had 3x wisdom teeth removed and 2x root canals/crowns in other molars.

    in my 30s, I had dental surgery removing the last wisdom tooth as it was impacting a nerve causing the left side of my face to go completely numb & extracting the 2x teeth from the failed root canals I had in my 20s. got bone grafts for those two, plus posts and dental implants, and then one more unrelated root canal.

    in my 40s now, I am beginning to develop lower back and knee/ankle pain - it’s not awful or debilitating but it’s constantly there.