Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Read Lenin. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

We have a Matrix homeserver at genzedong.xyz. See this thread for information about our Matrix space.

Short reading list for new MLs here. To find theory, try https://marxists.org, z-lib, libgen, or Sci-Hub (for scientific articles). If an article is unavailable, try the Wayback Machine.

  • frippa
    1 year ago

    ive just been called a fascist for speaking out against western propaganda on tianamen square, how’s your day going?

      • frippa
        1 year ago

        ive said him 10 times “watch the original video” the response? calling me a fascist and blocking me, lmao liiiiiiiiiibs

        • CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Its so crazy to me what people think about all that. People genuinely think that people in China just aren’t allowed to talk about it or know about it and will treat you as a drooling knucklehead just for saying otherwise. They don’t even know the most basic facts, the lowest hanging fruit of the ordeal. Meanwhile Americans can barley stomach their own history and move on as if there is no continuity with the present or justify it as progress.

      • Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        What’s infuriating is that you can link them to the original CBS and NYT coverage saying there was no massacre and they’ll still call you a see see pee shill

  • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺@lemmygrad.mlM
    1 year ago

    I cannot stand Liberals, I have been told now that it is the Sovereign right of nations to unilateraly pull out of any treaty they want without consequence, That China Mediating a treaty is worse than the US dictating the terms of a treaty they are not a part of, and that I am acting in bad faith and have my facts wrong for saying that Russia, a signatory to both Minsk Agreements, is a party to the Minsk agreements.

    I mean I kinda expected the china thing, I could even if I squint a little have seen the Russia thing coming, but REALLY I cannot belive I have to explain that a nation cannot just leave treaties willy nilly

    • I have to disagree somewhat with the right to pull out of treaties (and terminate contracts). It depends entirely on what the treaty/contract involves and who the other participants are. I would consider it completely reasonable to terminate any deal with Amerika or any other imperialist country without any kind of compensation, especially debt, and especially if the deal was initiated by a pre-revolutionary government

  • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    To get some positive but very local news: Antwerp’s chapter of our party had two good victories this week!

    We managed, through action, to keep a bus line in the city running.

    We also, after two years of action, managed to ban a new, elite Maritime Campus high rise from being build in one of the city’s green areas.

    This was all done through campaigning, petitions, visits to people living in the area etc.

    • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Excellent work! Gotta ask about the bus line - were the authorities planning on closing it? Removing the buses?

      • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Yes the government is planning to cancel 5000 stops in the country. This line was part of the plan as well, but through local action the plan for this line got cancelled. So while this one line is saved, many others are still facing problems. The fight continues.

        • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          5000 is a pretty dang large number. What are the given reasons for this? The usual “it’s not economically valid” (aka unprofitable in short term)?

  • Aria 🏳️‍⚧️🇧🇩@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    did a bit of praxis today and wrote a lot of stuff for socialism and writing pro-socialist sounding statements (and some anti-capitalist sounding statements) on my sociology exam today (when one of the questions asked me to describe about the 5 stages of society described by marx).

    i’ll probably get shit marks for it, accused of memorizing from chatgpt (when i don’t even have a fucking chatgpt account + i hate memorizing) and i’ll probably even be called out by my sociology teach to “explain wtf i wrote” but lmfao i regret not. a. single. thing. 💅💅💅

    especially when she said absolute nonsense such as “marx was ultimately incorrect” and that “there’ll always be some people better than others and therefore it’d be unfair to give them the same thing as someone who puts the less amount of work does” (this part i’m 100% sure is bullshit nonsense about socialism but i’m too uneducated on this to make a refutation; but i just know this doesn’t make any fucking sense).

    • “there’ll always be some people better than others and therefore it’d be unfair to give them the same thing as someone who puts the less amount of work does”

      refutation example:

      How would one measure “amount of work” other than in time? If it’s measured in output, that’s not the amount (quantity) of work, it’s the quality of work, and this is affected by many factors outside of the worker’s control (educational opportunities, economic situation, interests, genetics, etc.), so it would hardly be less unfair to pay one person more than the other for the same quantity of work because of that. If someone is unable to perform labour for any reason, that is also largely outside of their control and it would not be less unfair to let them starve to death. There’s also no principle preventing workers with dangerous or highly stressful jobs from being given additional collectively agreed-upon benefits

      at this point she might pull out the old “people would just be lazy if they’re all paid the same per hour of work”, in which case you can ask her if she chose teaching over other occupations strictly because it pays well (which it usually doesn’t, at least in the West)

      • Speedmaster@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        The bourgeoisie and the capitalists by extension always had the same “talking points” and “arguments” through the economic history of the world. The quantity and quality of work was always “put to question” when a change was imminent. When the slaves revolted in the third servile war in Rome there was talk about how the barbarian slaves were lazy, when the serfdom and feudal slavery in Europe was being abolished, the bourgeoisie always agreed how a human free from their idea of work and happiness is a “threat to society”. So knowing history is always enough to beat that kind of “facts” that come from the elites.

  • KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Why do libs and anarchos always have to play the semantics game man, it’s so fucking obtuse and annoying

    elaborate point how Western imperialism exploits and underdevelops the global south

    uhm wow, can we not use language like underdeveloped please, that’s so problematic

    Their productive forces are literally less developed, their mode of production is literally less developed, it’s a technical term not a normative statement about the worth of the people living in those countries or even those countries broadly. Also thanks for derailing the conversation about imperialism

      • KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Fair point lol. In this case it wasn’t even a disagreement really, they just had to reflexively interject that for no reason at all, no broader disagreement. But they got to show whatever it is they want to show with these stunts

    • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Why do libs and anarchos always have to play the semantics game man

      Idealism, would be my guess. Remember that quote about “changing names of things to change things themselves”? Words are essentially magic to them. It’s not cracking down on protesters, it’s “enforcing public order”. It’s not using drones to indiscriminately murder people in the other side of the world, it’s “employing cutting edge technology to defend against terrorism”, and also the pilot is a woman, you bigot!

      Their productive forces are literally less developed, their mode of production is literally less developed, it’s a technical term not a normative statement about the worth of the people living in those countries

      And now time to catch some flack from the comrades. Try using this term to describe the native Americans during the colonization. If you feel your eyebrows furrowing at me - the productive forces of the Iroquois, or Hurons, or Odjibwe were, last I checked, less developed than those of western Europe.

  • Neptium@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I was investigating some current NGOs and other groups in my country and somehow it lead me to this site and org called the Global Peace Foundation.

    The website definitely looks like a 3 letter agency, and what I found funny was that in the board of directors one of the ex-Presidents of Guatemala was there.

    • CarlMarks@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      The name alone is a dead giveaway.

      It was founded by the Moonies. Literally by the son of the founder of the Moonies. They hsve old ties to the US State Department and the imperialist NGO network.

      It has the positions you’d expect from this. It’s basically The Washington Times in NGO form. Would probably serve as a good case study for how they function, primarily as advocates for “market reforms”, i.e. neoliberalism, using a veneer of humanitarianism, and enjoying special international status due to how well this aligns with the interests of global capital.

    • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Without class consciousness and materialist understanding of the world (which comes with Marxism) it is fairly easy to fall into the “just blow it all up” mentality when it comes to the issues of the global society. Cornforth wrote about it in his Dialectical materialism book. It is a natural reaction to the tendency of capitalism to use progress of science and technology for opression and murder - without understanding the class nature of this process, it is easy to start thinking science and technology are the problem

      • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Quite literally ‘what no class consciousness does to a mfer’.

        After a quick read of his manifesto, i can only conclude he was a far right incel that is mad that he couldn’t be openly homophobic and racist.

        He goes on a huge rant about leftism with the usual propaganda abt leftists being resentful, inferiority complex, or gay (like wtf LMAO), praises the greatness of western civilization, etc… Not a single mention of the relations of production. Just your usual far right bs but with fancy words like industrial society (LMAO explicitly avoiding using the word capitalist through the entire thing), kinda like Jordan Peterson.

        No wonder he has a bunch of documentaries on Netflix and is constantly mentioned by other incels.

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I have created a feminist men’s lib community here and I’m curious of others’ thoughts, if any. It may flounder immediately. It may even be a bad idea! And the logo looks like shit.

    I would appreciate any comrades who wanted to check it out though, and hearing any criticisms or ideas you may have!