Hi everyone, I’ve been following the de-google-ify internet campaign of framasoft for several years now and have replace a lot of GAFAM services doing so but the only service I’m truly struggling with replacing is youtube.

I could never find anything with enough interesting content and I always find myself going back to youtube.

What about you?

  • did you stop using youtube?
  • where do you go instead?
  • do you just spend less time watching videos?

I prefer decentralized solutions but any FLOSS alternative is a good start.

  • C​​​
    2 years ago

    Youtube still has pretty much everything unfortunately - there’s not yet a proper alternative for content (depending on what you want). I use Newpipe and Freetube to watch it (I would use RSS with mpv if I didn’t have so many subscriptions).

    PeerTube isn’t a replacement but it’s a fascinating alternative with some good channels/instances.

    In addition to the other LBRY/Odysee comments, see this recent news: https://odysee.com/@lbry:3f/lbryandodyseeevolving:7 (Odysee might not/probably won’t be open source in the future)