I’m thinking about anti capitalist investments.

Traditionally, it has been common to talk about investment in the sense of “generating” wealth. The economy is going to grow, therefore it is good to invest your money in mutual funds or diverse portfolios.

Traditional investment is orwellian for buying the rights to workers labor. Therefore, by principle I shouldn’t invest in the traditional sense.

But just having money just laying around in the bank isn’t very clever either as inflation will devalue it. So I’m thinking about anti capitalist investments.

Investments in non-profits

My idea of investment doesn’t just encompass how to increase my personal wealth, but also the wealth of the planet, wealth of human beings and wealth of animals. This means that I consider a donation an investment. I could view such investments as giving much higher return than even the most ethical company.

By donating, I’m also incentivizing myself to pay more attention to these organizations.

Investment in personal property

I could invest in possessions that I predict is going to be very useful to fight capitalism. I could buy tools to create independence from big tech. Or items that improve my mental health or helps to connect with other people.

Investment in personal sector

I could work less in order to invest in my personal wealth and working for non-profit sector.

Investment in independence from work

Another investment type is one to reduce loans and expenditure to as close as zero. This would reduce the corporate and state workforce. It would also free up your time to do what you want to do. Perhaps start a non-profit or spend your time helping out established ones.

What are your thoughts on this?

  • Graveyard Leprechaun
    63 years ago

    What about donating to open source software? Seems to me like that ticks all the appropriate boxes.

    • @OsrsNeedsF2P
      3 years ago

      Coincidentally, I’m working on a website right now that lets you answer a few questions about your values and it spits out a random FOSS project meeting all your checkboxes that you can donate to in the end.

    • Vegafjord eoOP
      23 years ago

      Definitely, I invest in (donate to) Framasoft, Small Tech Foundation and want to increase my portfolio.

    • @3arn0wl
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • Vegafjord eoOP
        13 years ago

        Donating isn’t simply about burning up your money. You expect something in return. For example perhaps you invest in Framasoft with the expected return of having a more healthy internet ecosystem.

        • @3arn0wl
          2 years ago

          deleted by creator

          • Vegafjord eoOP
            13 years ago

            So it is an investment in the community. The community gains a non-monetary return on investment.

            • @3arn0wl
              2 years ago

              deleted by creator

              • Vegafjord eoOP
                23 years ago

                Our language reflects our world view.

                Donations implies that we are throwing money into an altruistic well to cleanse our soul. The person donating are elevated in status for their altruism regardless of how little the project progressed towards it’s vision.

                Investments implies that there are something on stake. That money can be invested poorly. That we can’t simply just donate to anything and expect the world to improve. It requires justification from the investor. We can measure whether an investment was good or not. With investments there is no honor, because you do it for your self interests. Self interests such as preventing climate disaster, ending imperialism or distributing digital power.

                • @3arn0wl
                  2 years ago

                  deleted by creator