Please help me find it.

Edit: Found the video, but let’s use this thread to compile his other videos.

    3 years ago

    I think everything’s been said so I’ll just leave here.

    Except you characterize me as performing “character assassination” or engaging in “disingenuous and conniving behaviour” and, bro, I noticed that. You’re too bull-headed in your opinions which even led you to misunderstand some of my points so you could respond to them while putting your superior knowledge on display.

    I’ve met my share of people who thought they could say anything because they were always right – including communists – and they never understand why people don’t engage with them. They probably think people respect their knowledge but no, people just don’t want to deal with the drama and being insulted for petty things. This is elitism between communists, incredible that it even exists.

    I don’t appreciate being told I’m engaging in counter-revolutionary behaviour, especially when we’re talking about a literal fascist lmao

    Edit: I got your second reply after sending this and I appreciate the efforts you put in that one.

      -13 years ago

      Understood com and I will try to be more agreeable.

      But realise you are doing the same thing in regard to “fascist jacketing” people like Maupin purely because they met with Dugin (who in no real way can be called a fascist).

      There is simply no way you can accuse Maupin of being a fascist and you can only really accuse Dugin of being a fascist if you think rejecting liberalism is fascistic. Which would be a ridiculous stance to take as a communist.