• @avalos
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker
      113 years ago

      You are not a hate fighter, you are just the kind of people that make the leftists look edgy, reactionary and bad, and get the socialists lumped with liberals.

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      103 years ago

      Dude I said it before, you can’t pretend to fight hate using more hate. If you do that you are just producing more hate & not doing anything.

      • Support Trans People
        -113 years ago

        you are the type of person that believes “antifascists are the real fascists”. i fight hate with anti-hate and there is nothing wrong with it

        • Sr Estegosaurio
          13 years ago

          My country was literally under a fascist regime until the 1975. All my grandfathers fought on our civil war in defense of freedom and democracy. I knew some people who is still searching their relatives in concentration camps and ditches. But hating will only generate more hate, the same goes with violence. I’m not saying anything near to “fascims is ok” but you can’t jut go around screaming and hating everyone…

        • 10_0
          03 years ago

          “we go where they go” so we can kill people with bikelocks, because guns are for criminals