• m-p{3}
    83 years ago

    I’m glad this isn’t a thing on the subreddit I moderate…

    • Support Trans People
      13 years ago

      be sure to use masstagger to make sure there really isn’t any misinformation, right-wingers can be surprisingly sneaky

      • @nutomicA
        93 years ago

        You really cant determine if something is misinformation simply by looking who posted it. Right-wingers also get things right sometimes, just like left-wingers arent always correct.

      • m-p{3}
        53 years ago

        lol I’m tagged as a /r/conspiracy user. Shouldn’t have argued against some nutjobs over there, I feel dirty now.

      • @nVZWmCa67Tq0SQkXPR
        43 years ago

        Masstagger really needs an update. IIRC, they did not update the list of right-wing subreddits.

        • Support Trans People
          33 years ago

          yeah, a update that accounts for off-shore websites would also be welcome

          • @nVZWmCa67Tq0SQkXPR
            03 years ago

            That would be almost impossible to do I think but yeah a lot of new right wing subreddits or their allies aren’t tagged, the list hasn’t been updated for a long time.