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  • radarsat1
    5 years ago

    i find something that makes online discussions more fun and less frustrating is to learn to just accept the downvotes… sometimes they make you want to lash out and say, “hey wtf did i say, do you not agree? if not why not!?” but at the end of the day… just relax… they are just internet points… it’s a lot more relaxing to just see the number, and say to yourself… “damn… guess i misstepped on that one somehow… oh well”… and just move on. like the above poster says, no one actually owes you an explanation, after all. just remember that downvotes are part of the game, they are going to happen, and try not to let it get to you.

    also, i’ll add, sometimes you want to own those downvotes… sometimes it’s okay to have a dissenting opinion, and you should learn to role with that. “20 downvotes, i hit a nerve I guess, but fuck it I’m right and I’m sticking with what i said.” I feel like going out after a bad-ass comment and asking for downvote explanations just takes away from any solid position you were trying to take.

    • Maya
      5 years ago

      shout out to lemmy for not having aggregate comment karma

      • 777
        5 years ago

        Slashdot has (had? haven’t been there in a long time) a system in which you can upvote/downvote but also assign a reason, i.e. it’s funny, insightful, off-topic, spam. Perhaps it could be taken further so you could upvote a good comment but also signal you disagree with it somehow - this is especially helpful in political discussions as I don’t like to disrespect people I disagree with who are debating in good faith.