• Helix 🧬
    23 years ago

    I guess very few people self-host their email or Matrix or XMPP.

    You don’t need to self host email, Matrix or XMPP to use E2EE. I meant self hosting the web clients.

    And it still doesn’t protect you against someone breaking the TLS connection between you and your server.

    HSTS, Certificate Pinning, …

    Every communication method suffers from this, it’s not exclusive to web-based communication.

    proprietary, windows only apps are not generally designed with security as the number 1 concern

    Yeah, Open Source software down to the OS itself is important for security. But even then, who audits their own software? It’s probably 0.01% of the 0.01% of the general population you mentioned.

      • Helix 🧬
        13 years ago

        That’s why you stick to software under high scrutiny and highly visible for security sensible stuff

        So, like Element? scnr