• loathesome dongeater
    153 years ago

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is an American succdem politician who claims to be working class in background. The image is about her wearing a dress that had “tax the rich” written on it to the Met Gala, an event whose tickets allegedly cost $30,000 each.

    • @Thann
      3 years ago

      Yeah, she’s a “pied piper” who pretends to be progressive to wrangle votes for the establishment.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer
        133 years ago

        I’ll never stop reminding people that she tried to redirect black rage during the 2020 civil rights protesting, away from the goals set out by protesters and towards voting for Biden.

        Anyone who still supports her is either a scab, a white moderate, or both.

      • @freakrho
        43 years ago

        I’m not american so I’m not as in the loop but what has she done for the establishment?

        • @Thann
          113 years ago

          basically how it works is: a bunch of progressives want things and she says the democratic party will give us those things, if we vote for them. Then after getting the votes and they fail to do said things, they will blame republicans, and say better luck next time. This cycle has been perpetuated by many people like her, to create the illusion of change.

          In this case she is saying, “were going to tax the rich”, but in reality nothing will be done to this effect.

          • Star Wars Enjoyer
            53 years ago

            she’s not even saying “we are going to”, she’s saying “we should”. Which is much much less being done.

            • @freakrho
              3 years ago

              but reading the news it seems like she’s actually doing stuff, the thing is the american political system is really bad and you’re raging against the only people who actually do something to change it

              • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlM
                113 years ago

                You fell into the trap of the establishment; the idea that the only people who can do anything in politics are politicians – with all the consequences that apply (careerism, opportunism…).

                There are many organisations that do work on the ground and while their scope is more limited than governmental programs due to lack of funds and power, they are still doing something to change it. Our own activism as communists, no matter the country, is doing something to change the political system. That’s not to speak of other programs in the meantime, such as offering free health check ups to people who can’t afford health insurance, or soup kitchens for the homeless.

                AOC passes for a slimy snake because she promises one thing, supposedly fights for it for some time, and then when it inevitably fails, she says “oh sorry better luck next time though!”. And we rarely hear about it again. While Trump was President, she decried the concentration camps at the border. Now that Biden, her party, is at the helm… they’re suddenly overflow facilities. She did criticize them again, but on Twitter. What is she doing on the ground?

                The overarching problem we have to point out here is that it’s impossible to change the system from the inside. If that was the case, that State would be terrible at self-preservation, wouldn’t it? I’m unaware of any state in history that let itself be reformed fundamentally.

                Yet AOC sells that illusion, that she’s the only chance the common people have at being heard, when in reality she has very little pull… and she remains a socdem. Whenever there is talk of abolishing capitalism, she’ll be first on the frontlines to stop anything from being done in that regard.

                Her “tax the rich” dress sounds fake. The slogan is eat the rich, yet for an elected official, that is apparently too edgy to wear to an exclusive, bourgeois event. So it becomes whitewashed under capitalism, and just merely becomes “tax the rich”. The original message is: abolish the bourgeoisie, which supposes a revolution, which supposes communism. The watered down message is literally: more taxes, which supposes legislation, which supposes the fight is on the congress floor, where AOC has had very little success in her years there. But I’m sure the rich people at the Met gala were shaking in their boots when they saw her dress lol.

                But it did achieve one thing. Just like the concentration camp remarks, it created controversy and put her in the media spotlight. The takeaway should be that her adventurist experiment did not yield any results (there is still no healthcare, there is still no real covid stimulus program, there is still unaffordable housing) and should be abandoned. But she entertains the hope that a better world is possible. In the meantime, while she keeps achieving nothing, she expects workers to keep toiling at their poverty wage, fuelled by the far possibility that maybe one day they’ll get something from AOC. What a great instrument of the democratic party she is, to be able to quell any and all movement to the revolutionary left with just one media controversy.

              • loathesome dongeater
                83 years ago

                She used to parrot about children in cages and universal healthcare when Trump was in office. Now that democrats have majority she doesn’t do anything about those. Because of the dystopian reality we live in, this was proven by someone who analyzed her tweets over time lmao.

              • @chad1234@lemmygrad.ml
                73 years ago


                “The Democratic Party and the political origins of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez”

                AOC is good at getting media publicity but she has so far not achieved much for her soc-dem supporters. Not much more than the participants in the new Netflix reality series

                She was a neoliberal who was able to pivot her public image to being a soc-dem, just in time when it became trendy, due to not having much on the public record at the time

    • @roastpotatothief
      63 years ago

      Is that hypocritical though? You can be rich and still advocate taxing the rich.

      • loathesome dongeater
        43 years ago

        People “can” be any number of things. I would rather concern myself with what they are in reality.

            • @roastpotatothief
              03 years ago

              Really? I’ve only heard good things about her on the internet. Seems to believe in good social things, and campaign and vote for them too.

              How can you tell what she’s really like, that’s not obvious to someone on a different continent?

              • loathesome dongeater
                23 years ago

                The internet is not a monolith. Let me turn this around. Can you give me tangible evidence of the good that she has done?

                • @roastpotatothief
                  23 years ago

                  This isn’t a burden-of-proof issue. I’ve already said I don’t know much about it. I’m asking your opinion.

                  But it’s only an internet forum. You don’t have to give any answer. I was just curious.

                  • loathesome dongeater
                    23 years ago

                    It’s just that she used left issues like universal healthcare and climate change as springboards for her career. She began her career as a supposed representative of the working people. While Trump was in office she criticized the cages that migrant children were kept in.

                    Now that democrats have a majority in the house and senate, she is silent on all these issues. Green New Deal has been binned. Drilling by US oil companies goes on as before. The medical system is still as predatory as before. Kids are still in cages on the US Mexico border.

                    It’s not like all this is happening despite her trying. She is literally not trying to achieve any of this now dems have the majority. What does this tell us? I can’t say for sure but it does look like she just diverted people’s discontent into the campaign to get herself elected.

                    Worst thing is that she is completely supportive of American imperialism. She has objected the embargoes on Cuba, DPRK, Venezuela, Iran, etc. She has voiced support for the color revolutions attempted in Hong Kong and China recently.

                    If you are a bottom of the barrel working class person you’ll get nothing out of her. If you (not you personally) are a petite bourgeois liberal who uses the aesthetic of European social democracy as social capital you might be inclined to support her in the farcicial performance of electoral politics.

                    The only thing she is good for is pissing of hard right conservatives.