• @roastpotatothief
      03 years ago

      Really? I’ve only heard good things about her on the internet. Seems to believe in good social things, and campaign and vote for them too.

      How can you tell what she’s really like, that’s not obvious to someone on a different continent?

      • loathesome dongeater
        23 years ago

        The internet is not a monolith. Let me turn this around. Can you give me tangible evidence of the good that she has done?

        • @roastpotatothief
          23 years ago

          This isn’t a burden-of-proof issue. I’ve already said I don’t know much about it. I’m asking your opinion.

          But it’s only an internet forum. You don’t have to give any answer. I was just curious.

          • loathesome dongeater
            23 years ago

            It’s just that she used left issues like universal healthcare and climate change as springboards for her career. She began her career as a supposed representative of the working people. While Trump was in office she criticized the cages that migrant children were kept in.

            Now that democrats have a majority in the house and senate, she is silent on all these issues. Green New Deal has been binned. Drilling by US oil companies goes on as before. The medical system is still as predatory as before. Kids are still in cages on the US Mexico border.

            It’s not like all this is happening despite her trying. She is literally not trying to achieve any of this now dems have the majority. What does this tell us? I can’t say for sure but it does look like she just diverted people’s discontent into the campaign to get herself elected.

            Worst thing is that she is completely supportive of American imperialism. She has objected the embargoes on Cuba, DPRK, Venezuela, Iran, etc. She has voiced support for the color revolutions attempted in Hong Kong and China recently.

            If you are a bottom of the barrel working class person you’ll get nothing out of her. If you (not you personally) are a petite bourgeois liberal who uses the aesthetic of European social democracy as social capital you might be inclined to support her in the farcicial performance of electoral politics.

            The only thing she is good for is pissing of hard right conservatives.

            • @roastpotatothief
              3 years ago

              That’s a really interesting argument.

              When the opposition is in power, you complain about everything they are doing wrong, and not only that you complain about stuff that has always been happening but that they refuse to abolish.

              But when your allies get in power, and the same things are still happening, and your allies are not abolishing the bad things either, but you stop complaining about them so forcefully.

              It sounds like hypocracy, but it also sounds like human nature. I think I would behave the same way.

              Need to think about that.

              For a start, there are two perspectives:

              • People are silent when their friends do bad things, but outspoken when their enemies do bad things. Everyone does this.

              • As a politician, if you are as critical of your allies as you are of your enemies, you will never be given any power.