• Ninmi
    3 years ago

    And most hardware enthusiasts will probably continue to ignore just how stark the contrast is with Nvidia. Not only does AMD allow open source solution on top of their hardware, they actually contribute to it significantly. Just another one in the long list of open technologies. On MIT license, no less.

    • Helix
      43 years ago

      yet, Nvidia will steal it, make some proprietary extensions to make it run faster and bribe game devs so they include it. Then benchmarks show that AMD performs worse (no wonder, they don’t have the proprietary extensions). Classical Embrace, Extend, Extinguish strategy.

      Vote with your wallet. Don’t buy Nvidia. Give them the middle finger.

      • m-p{3}
        43 years ago

        Nvidia already came out with DLSS before AMD FSR came out.

        • Helix
          43 years ago

          Yeah, Nvidia also came out with GSync before Freesync became a standard. Doesn’t make their business practices consumer friendly.