What it says on the title. Mine was when I was 12 and I lived in a very haunted house which had some weird activity going on, like things moving out of place and pets freaking out. I was sitting in the computer, alone in the house, and suddenly I see a shadowy figure on the screen, just some meters away behind me, thinking was my mom I turned around and there was nothing, but the room had turned extremely cold suddenly. There was nothing behind me that could have been this shadow.

  • TheWorldSpins
    1 year ago

    When I was 14 I lived in an old apartment complex in North Texas. One night I went to bed with my window open (2nd story). I woke up at like 2am to the sound of what, to me, sounded like a bird/cat mutant screaming on my window sill. It was probably a cat fight but I could never shake how INSIDE my room it sounded even though I was on the 2nd floor. No awning or trees close by either.