• Ms. ArmoredThirteen
    10 months ago

    Eco is a total dumpster fire of ‘who can speedrun latestage capitalism the fastest and kill the server’. The only times I’ve had a successful server experience is when I lie my way into government then stranglehold the economy into being not capitalism so the general population can actually participate in the fun parts of the game. Anyway I have a thousand hours in it one of my favorite games, the only game I have with more recorded playtime is Factorio.

    • SmoothIsFast@citizensgaming.com
      10 months ago

      Well, that’s sad to hear. I remember playing it in the beginning, and most of the servers I joined at least tried to protect the environment. I guess times have changed, it’s been a few years since I actively played it.

      • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
        10 months ago

        Really I do love the game it is a lot of fun you just have to be very proactive currently. The environment isn’t too hard to protect anymore there are a lot of general rules people follow and put laws in place to help enforce those, it is mostly a solved problem in the community. The issue is in how mechanics have a tendency to obliterate the economy and then run off to another server. This is not a solved problem because so many people want to be the cool person with all the money and they’ll fight tooth and nail against anyone they perceive as a threat to them winning capitalism. This has a number of cascading effects both while they’re in the server and after they leave. The short of it is every single server I’ve been in that doesn’t actively fight against monopolies will die within a few days of the mechanics leaving.

        This is why whenever I join a server my first task is to usually fire up a massive price war on iron and steel, the mechanics have to lower their prices, everyone loves me because I’m basically giving away what used to be a treasured commodity, and then I make a run for a government position and immediately set a wealth cap. Take all the reclaimed wealth to pay people for all kinds of public works or even vanity projects. People don’t honestly care that much what they’re working on as long as it is interesting and they can feel accomplished at the end. The hyper capitalists will usually quit but it doesn’t instantly halt the economy and by then I’ll have propped up enough backup people to fill the void and we all live happily ever after (until the farmers get bored and the lack of food kills the server, I don’t have a good solution for that one yet).