Hey all, this isn’t a post to complain about the limit but rather a prompt for discussion.

I ran into the post limit today when throwing some content up. I completely understand the need for a limit, otherwise you could have bots posting shit all over the place. But, it is a bit frustrating for a use case like mine.

I often, after work is done for the day, sit on my back patio and go through my RSS reader to get the daily news. I decided that when I found an article worth sharing I would throw it up on lemmy. I really like this site after coming from reddit. But it feels as though, with the current smaller user base, that there simply isn’t a lot of engagement due to the trickle of content currently. I was worried about people thinking I was “spamming”, but figured the increase of content would be worth the risk of a slap on the wrist. Thus, my burst of posting hit the 5 per hour limit.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to set certain users with an elevated set of permissions that would allow someone to go from a limit of 5 per hour to something like X posts per day. These individuals can be thought of as “ambassadors”, or something more accurate because I can’t think of a good name right now. Basically, individuals who have shown not to abuse the system, and in return can provide more content to the site.

I understand that the bursty nature of my posting is a bit of an edge case, but thought it was worth discussing. It would be nice if I didn’t have to save a bunch of articles and come back every hour to post 5 at a time :)

  • dietcokkeOP
    4 years ago

    I completely agree that any system in place should be automatic. Having individuals involved does lead to some issues, worst of all being favoritism or mild corruption (the introduction of some kind of inner circle).

    I do like the idea of linking posting limit to a negative posting value. It would allow users the power to be able to limit someone who is posting bad or inflammatory content. Though that does lead to a potential for “brigading”, users intentionally going through and downvoting content they disagree with (even if it abides by site/community rules), in order to silence an individual. But, as long as the ability to post isn’t completely removed without human intervention it could work.