For me it feels like breaking up with someone after many years. At the same time, I feel a bit dirty mentioning the name in the post title.

  • Jimmycrackcrack
    2 years ago

    Nah, they were just a company after all. The strongest feeling I get is that it’s just a bummer because I’ve grown to depend on the platform so much and now I’ve got to try and adapt.

    At the same time, as this thing that was previously an interesting little curiosity on a corner of the web grew to be a big time suck and addiction, the dopamine hit returns and actually helpful interactions I was getting from Reddit were diminishing anyway so when there was finally a convenient push to make me try harder to either find an alternative or just ditch it, I was strangely grateful.

    I do feel like I’m losing something that was very useful resource and which also filled a need, albeit one that it created in the first place, but at the end of the day, it’s just a forum. I can’t really feel betrayed or heartbroken by an entity that was only ever intended to make money and had no obligation to my approval.