• @BRINGit34
    11 months ago

    Kinonite is nice and all but on my desktop I am downloading packages far more often and I don’t want to deal with the hassle of restarting my system every time. I know there are ways around that but eh

    • Drew Got No Clue
      211 months ago

      I’ve been experimenting with Kinoite for a while now on a VM (because my main computer has an Apple Silicon chip and running Linux on bare metal would be inconvenient), and keeping packages on a toolbox works pretty well, so no need to restart there.

      If you need to layer packages with rpm-ostree and don’t want to reboot, you can try the apply-live flag.

      Plus, most of what I need can be found on Flathub.

      • @Pantherina@feddit.de
        19 months ago

        Yes, layer as little apps as possible. Binary system-installing apps are a problem, but you should avoid these anyways. Also switching to hardened kernel and malloc are, but there is a project for that now in the “awesome user images” of ublue.it (not by them)