• @TheAnonymouseJoker
    3 years ago

    I am ashamed that you are defending actual Anglo genociders pushing false hypocritical propaganda, who also happened to colonise us for 2 centuries. Fuck that.

    There exists plenty proof that HK riots were CIA backed.

    Edit: seems like defenders of India’s British Raj colonisation have invaded this place

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        -113 years ago

        Whataboutism claims are a good sign of pseudo intellectuals dog whistling to attract mob attention, usually a last resort card played by people when they never have good discussion or argument skills.

        • Coolest Homebody 😎
          3 years ago

          Wow, another redditard response. This is meta-grade whataboutism now. 😂

          Keep smoking whatever you are high on right now, you do you.

          BTW, uSeRnAmE cHecKs OuT

          • DessalinesA
            -13 years ago


            No ableism, this is your first warning.

            • Coolest Homebody 😎
              53 years ago

              Alright, I just used that word to mean 'a toxic Reddit user, I didn’t specifically meant to engage in any form of ableism.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            -93 years ago

            Why are you leaking in here, Anglo hegemony loving redditor? You seem to be concern trolling. Your username does not check out.

            Keep botting it out for CIA.

            • Coolest Homebody 😎
              3 years ago

              Wow, you’re really mad. Calm down, don’t get your panties in a twist.

    • @antidote
      43 years ago

      Imagine actually believing that horseshit lmao

      Classic CCP-apologist response

      • @ster
        43 years ago

        CIA bad => CCP good, quad erat demonstrandum.

        (I’m joking, both are awful)

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        -103 years ago

        I am sure CCP apologists care about India’s colonisation, like the kind of concern trolling Earnest Voices are doing online.

        • @ster
          63 years ago

          I care about India’s colonisation, but I also hate the CCP…

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker
            -103 years ago

            Hating the CCP outright is a Western neoliberal notion that is not fully correct IMHO.

            According to Harvard study, if 95% of mainland people are happy with CCP, what is your problem with that? Them being too successful or united being too harmful to Western neoliberal hegemony? Or something else you concluded for yourself?

            • Coolest Homebody 😎
              3 years ago

              95% of mainland people are happy with CCP

              As if China won’t neutralize them if they say otherwise.

              Keep believing in CCP propaganda. Maybe become a Chinese citizen and and go live in your dreamland China?

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker
                -113 years ago

                As if China won’t neutralize them if they say otherwise.

                Keep believing in CCP propaganda. Maybe become a Chinese citizen and and go live in your dreamland China?

                It is so easy to expose inner thoughts of folks like you. Took one comment thread. So much for you quitting reddit to choose Lemmy, only to carry over attitude from there. Do not do this, it hurts more than just the person you reply to.