• samuraikidOP
    13 years ago

    Well you are free for protest something you don’t agreed with, but wait the guy got caught because Apple snitched him, wow

    Is this democracy ? or authoritarism ?

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerM
      -13 years ago

      Protesting is only symbolic and reactionary, and does not get lot of things done nowadays, when corporations hold more power than people. Also, having the right to protest clearly does not go hand in hand with protecting human rights, as observable, as can be seen with India falling into the fascist BJP party’s Hindutva hands, and USA’s democracy showing its true colours with Biden and Trump being no different in terms of warmongering and suppression of countries that resist their hegemony.

      • samuraikidOP
        13 years ago

        According to what happened with George Floyd i disagree from you, the power must be of the people not govs and corps they exist to serve the citizens not the opposite

        • @TheAnonymouseJokerM
          -33 years ago

          Well why would you disagree with me, I want a dictatorship of the proletariat rather than bourgeoisie. People must have the power, not handful entities.