Seriously any centralised social network hosted in the USA, Russia, China, Australia (to name but a few) is fully traceable, can easily be censored, and can be held legally accountable.

No so easy with peer-to-peer networks or decentralised networks hosted across numerous countries. It’s not impossible, but seriously centralised network = no privacy.


#technology #privacy #parler #freespeech

  • @Raziel
    83 years ago

    Yes, decentralization is the way, but it has to be aplied at the maximun level, at the ISP level. The only sustainable solution I see starts whit a decentralized internet otherwise the ISP still can deliver information to cental govs.

    There are a number of aproaches being developed right now so it has plenty of potencial, and also some decentraliced VPN that works in a similar way.

    • Dragon
      53 years ago

      What are the decentralized ISP options you know about?

      • @Raziel
        43 years ago

        You can take a look at this proyect

        I’ve founf other a week ago but I cant find it right now, I will send you the other if I find it. Basically are two tipes of models so far, with dedicated hardware you purchase and put into work to provide infrastructure to the P2P network and other without spetialozed hardware. Both reward you with some sort of crypto token to build the incentive to dedicate resources to build your node.

        If you find anything else please share it here!

        • Dragon
          13 years ago

          That’s really cool, thanks for sharing.

          • @Raziel
            03 years ago

            Here is the decentraliced VPN example, you can find more if you search for “dVPN”


            Another interesting reading are the “Unstopable domains”

      • @aab
        13 years ago

        There is also Freifunk, although its not a decentralized isp per se

    • GadgeteerZAOP
      3 years ago

      For sure your own ISP is the weak link… I suppose those really concerned will be using an offshore VPN service would prevent snooping by the ISP.