I use geh Firefox forks mull and fennec, I occasionally use vanadium. I just like privacy but tor is overkill for me

  • @PrivateNoob
    1411 months ago

    PC: Firefox (without the arkenson js yet) Android: Firefox too ^^

    I really like that Firefox is one of the rare breeds on the mobile scene which provides some browser extensions too.

    • Communist
      411 months ago

      I just wish they’d add all the extensions to firefox android… and i’d like card style tabs too but i can live without them.

      • @PrivateNoob
        111 months ago

        Definitely agreed, but at least they provide you with the essentials.

        • Communist
          211 months ago

          It’s kinda weird to me that they still haven’t added an oled theme, now that I think about it.

          • @PrivateNoob
            111 months ago

            Oh, really? Damn you’re right, I absolutely forgot about it. XD

    • @bruhsoulz
      11 months ago

      yo question ab firefox coming from dude who knows very little ab it, i watched a video browser tier list by eric murphy and he listed hardened firefox in S tier, do u reach hardened firefox by downloading configs for it off github? how reliable is it and do things tend to crash if u try to have many options at the same time (like an amalgamtion of stuff from different ppl in order to reached a specific desired outcome, in terms of options, security settings and look)?