What matters to you most? I’m not sure I know the answer myself, but I’m curious what you all think.

  • beepnoise
    811 months ago

    Lots of engagement. One of the things that kills communities is people too shy/afraid to say something, and/or they just read posts and not contribute “content” like comments.

    One of the smart things Reddit did was gamify the whole posting/commenting system with karma. Sure, it lead to a lot of really stupid and petty online drama, but it helped build the website where people engaged in it more because folks like seeing numbers go up.

    I feel like lemmy needs a similar system, but I am aware that it can and will lead to some low quality posts/comments.

    • Kirani 🏳️‍🌈
      11 months ago

      I personally believe it means more without a system in place. Someone wanted to comment for the sake of helping, sharing, contributing, etc.

      Where as with a system in place, as you said, it becomes more so about making yourself look better.