Inspired by this thread, I’m looking into getting a Fairphone 3+, but I’m discovering they don’t ship to the US at all. It looks like I can get it shipped to the US from this UK seller. Before I pull the trigger, are there any better ways to go about this for those of us in the States?

  • @Milo
    3 years ago

    Unless you get it because it is easy repair or need it for Ubuntu touch and do not want pine phone for some reason, I do not see the point. Ethical reasons they claim are debatable, as presented in articles. It is fine phone or not fair phone, and for premium cost.

    • Ninmi
      13 years ago

      To my knowledge, the guy running the company has acknowldged the fact that making an actually, completely fair smartphone is not possible right now and it would be more accurate to call the phone “fairer phone”.

      I am interested in reading said articles though.

    • @jazzfes
      13 years ago

      Could you link some articles? Would be interested. Thanks