“Why do so many on the ‘left’ refuse even to try to work amongst the mass of the working class?”

…They are not the “mass” of the working class; at their financially lowest, most of them were upper-middle-class, safe and secure in their suburbs, and could own expensive weaponry and fly to Washington D.C. They were a far-right fascist petit-bourgeoisie. The “Trump is popular among the working class” myth has apparently seeped its way to Britain, it seems, even though it has been debunked multiple times with facts, statistics, and analysis.

What the fuck are you smoking, CPGB-ML?

“coalition of sex workers and cross-dressers”


Seriously, which leftwing groups are even saying that “democracy was saved” by this “coalition”? While I agree there are a lot of Internet leftists out there that are dumb as a brick, many that I’ve talked to are at best apathetic to Biden administration and most leftwing groups didn’t endorse Biden either way. Why not mention the fact that many Marxist orgs based in the USA were not for the dumb circus on January 6th while also criticizing Biden? Even if they thought that Biden was preferable to Trump, many like the people at Monthly Review rightly crticized both Biden and Trump on multiple occasions and pretty much compared them in a way that made them similar.

I get that the modern-day communist movement has its problems with outreach, but the last thing we should be doing is “outreaching” toward fascists. And they were fascists or at least fascist-adjacent going by their beliefs. Holding them up as representative of the group that should be catered to is… dumb, to put it mildly.

At a time when poverty, debt, labor disputes, and so on are rising in the United States, especially since 2008, the communist left should be preparing the ground for getting others to join the communist movement (not just on the Internet but doing on-the-ground work as well) and guiding/shaping the anti-capitalist movement, eventually leading it, uniting other Marxist-Leninist groups, and eventually taking more active measures against the US bourgeoisie, thereby assuring a revolution or at least hindering them in a way that impedes their further imperialist plans.

This article is dumb. And it cherrypicks groups to make its point about there being a narrative (so to speak) of a communist left or Marxist left that has the so-called “Trump derangement syndrome,” never mind the fact that compared to where we were 10 years ago, we’re arguably more critical of the US state (and both political parties, mind you) than we ever have been. That the general sentiment is moving into rejecting electoralism or at least building bases of power outside the electoral system seems unquestionable to me.

Are there certain communist groups or certain individuals that may have made Trump out to be more than he is? Sure, I don’t doubt it. And I can certainly say that the People’s World outlet which is aligned with the CPUSA basically shilled for Biden without outright declaring for him. I definitely have my issues with that.

But those are only a few examples at best. Hell, check the communist parties of SolidNet: most are just as critical of Biden (and were before the 2021 inauguration) as they were critical of Trump.

On what planet did the CPGB-ML find themselves on?

Good grief. 😅

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    3 years ago

    thecommunists.org’ yep, that here is a link I’d trust. totally.

    edit: looking closer, this is the website of the complete class reductionist, asshole, transphobic, shitty Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist). Which just makes this easier to laugh at, I already know the tossers who wrote it are incapable of seeing outside of their bullshit.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      43 years ago

      I’ll say this: the article makes it sound like Trump supporters should be our first priority.

      They are not.