Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Sit down in that chair over there. Take off your shoes. I’m not cleaning mud off the floor. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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    • @knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
      101 year ago

      It was, and still is, a great idea for the capitalists.

      In many ways the EU made the Nazi goal of a neocolonized/imperialized European continent come true, and they were able to do it by taking careful, quiet, peaceful steps.

          • SovereignState
            81 year ago

            I don’t mean to speak for them but I think they’re just making a joke that Europe being created generally was a bad idea, and it should cease existing. Kind of a layered joke, it could mean “Europe” as in the “EU” should not exist, it could mean that the continent should not exist, it could mean that we should go back in time and shoot Charlemagne in the head lol.

            Ahh, what a better world we would have:

              • SovereignState
                41 year ago

                I don’t think anyone is taking it that seriously, it’s just cathartic shitposting so as to cope with the millions of people never having been born, and millions murdered, by virtue of European history having played out as it did and continues to.