Hello Lemmy!

I recently discovered the “Request my data” function of Discord. Now that I have the data Discord knows about me.

I would like to make an experiment that could be used to explain how metadata can say a lot about people.

The problem is, I never done that :grinning face with sweat: so I would like to know how I could get everything I can, only from the metadata contained in the package.

I know it’s possible, according to the length of calls, the umber of messages, etc, to guess what kind of relation a user have with another, but I don’t know how to do that.

This is a description of the data package: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004957991

Can you help me to know what are the information I can determine about myself using this package (only the metadata, or it’s not fair :p)

Thanks in advance!


  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • SnowCodeOP
      63 years ago

      Yes, but still, you can know how many devices a user has, the schedule of the user (or at least when that user has the time to go on Discord), what mean of transport that user uses (by calculating the time between 2 connection locations, and when some messages are posted).

      Those things may not be totally accurate (because statistics are not), but I think we can still do some nice stuff with this data package alone.

      What do you think?