I dont know… with all the war in russia ukraine, then taiwan crisis… all this make me misses 2019 to early 2022 Genzedong Era OG subreddit… god those were the glory days. I still remember that ‘uyghur bullshit masterpost’, then the flares. And back then was some good shitposting bout china and based commies state (which we still do, but it doesnt feel the same to me as on the OG sub)… then the flares ‘ximp’ ‘shitpost maybe’ etc… the automod respons…and also lib cringe weekend… but those days are over… and boy do i misses those days… 😔

  • Seanchaí (she/her)
    172 years ago

    I find that really interesting. I was never on reddit, but there was a pretty huge shift in the vibes on lemmygrad earlier this year when a bunch of GZD users signed up. It’s like, a really neat and tiny example of the way two communities coming together shift each other. You guys shifted lemmygrad to be more like GZD but, I gather from this post, not the same. And I’d say the reason is in part because lemmygrad shifted your community in return?

    • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      It definitely did. As much as we tend to hate on reddit, the way the platform works still was part of what made the sub what it was. Lemmygrad provides a different context with different features, etc and that just changes the way the community works. Flairs, videos, etc change the vibe and content on the platform. Reddit is just a lot more meme-y and viral like that. A big part is also simply the smaller user base. Insider jokes and stuff just develop and spread much faster and further the bigger the community.

      So yeah, the community lost a lot of its humor and originality in content-creation. We don’t really produce the memes and jokes here like we used to. On the other hand the discussions are of even higher quality, the ideology is much more principled and conversations tend to go on much longer. It’s better overall I’d say, but it’d still be nice to get some of the light-hearted humor and originality back, especially when politics are getting ever more depressing.

      • MexicanCCPBot
        132 years ago

        So yeah, the community lost a lot of its humor and originality in content-creation. We don’t really produce the memes and jokes here like we used to.

        That’s what I was trying to pinpoint. It’s not very memey in here, plus no video support changes things a lot. No funny flairs or auto-response bots either.

        • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
          82 years ago

          Yeah, it’s just those little things that people bounce off and that bounce off each other that really make it feel like a community. A way to default-expand pictures on the browser version would help too imo. I tend to just scroll past memey content if I don’t see the actual picture straight away.

          Wish those could be implemented at some point, maybe even embed videos at least.

      • Muad'Dibber
        102 years ago

        I’m kinda glad we’re platforming discussion over memey-content, but I agree the GZD sub had some bangers and top-tier shit-posting. We’ll eventually get those as we grow🤞

        • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
          92 years ago

          Agree, but the good thing is we aren’t restricted to one sub anymore, so I’d say there’s plenty of space for discussions and top-tier shitposting